Chapter 42

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Picture of Dorcas in the media above. She's still a fine girl, her character is just not good 🌚🙂

Chapter Forty Two


Two hours later, the entire foodstuff in the class has been moved into a truck. Michael's truck has been called back because he couldn't unload most of the things he came with as they are too much.

There are presently two trucks, two buses and some cars in the school compounds. My class teacher is busy checking to see if we are all around and all of us are present including the boys.

They had arrived when we were moving the things into the truck and they had all greeted me. They all looked great in house wear and it was hard for me to stop looking at Michael since he looks so good in his short sleeve shirt and black jean trouser and white Converse.

I had answered all their greetings except Michael's who looked taken aback when I did and I've refused to look at him since then because whenever our eyes meet, I'm instantly reminded of what Dorcas had said.

Over thirty people had put their names down and the teacher has decided that the students should be divided equally between the buses.

I give her the list of people that wants to go and she starts to call us. My name is written first and I'm the first person to enter. As I enter and take a seat, I hear Grace's name and she doesn't waste time in entering and sitting beside me.

The boys names are called afterwards and Michael is the first to enter. As he does, he glances my way but I quickly look out the window.

When I'm sure he is seated, I look at Grace questioningly, "Why are you sitting next to me? Shouldn't you be seated next to your boyfriend?"

"I'm saving you from a tight situation. I'm sure of three guys that are willing to sit next to you." She says just as Peter comes inside and glances my way. He looks at Grace that is seated beside me and for a fleeting moment, I thought he looked disappointed.

"And that's one of them." She announces with a smirk and I raise an eyebrow at her in question.


Wole has taken the seat next to Femi and I expect Peter to take the seat next to Michael. But he and Michael exchange an unfriendly look and he takes the seat behind him instead.

The rest of the students start to enter and I glance around, looking for John. I then remember that he said he is going with us at the last minutes so his name will be at the far end of the list. He probably won't enter the bus with us.

Dorcas and her friends also enter the bus and I groan. Why do they have to enter the same bus with us?

Cat is the first to enter amongst them and she takes the seat next to Peter. He doesn't hide the fact that he is disgusted and scoots nearer to the window but she also does the same. She starts to talk animatedly but he wastes no time in putting his earpiece in his ears, shutting her out. She pouts and leans resignedly on her seat but with a happy smile.


I shake my head and see Chika who sulkily takes a seat far behind the boys and her friends since the ones right behind them have been occupied. A boy is quick to sit next to her and start a conversation but she gives him a glare and he keeps quiet. I'm very sure if Wole isn't sitting beside Femi, she would have wasted no time in taking his seat.

Dorcas smirks at me as she enters and takes the seat next to Michael confidently. He doesn't seem to notice this as he looks lost in thought, she then places her head on his shoulder and he finally looks at her. I expect him to shrug her off like he always does but he doesn't even look bothered. He looks more resigned look and just glances out the window again.

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