Chapter 51

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So... the time is 23:00WAT.

Which means it's still Wednesday and I still get to fulfill my scheduled update.

This chapter is rushed and unedited. Bear with me.

I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Happy reading!!!


Chapter Fifty One


"After my parents died, someone had to take care of the company."

Peter starts to explain. He has this sad and wistful look in his eyes but they don't compare to the heartbroken feelings in his eyes when he was talking about his parents.

I begin to get hopeful that this part of his past won't pull at my heart like how his parents died did.

"Oh, I didn't know your parents own a company." I comment, truly surprised by that fact.

"Yeah, they did. You know, my dad always told us how he met my mum and I could remember vividly how he told us from time to time that he met mum at a fashion show."

"Really? That's interesting." I smile.

"Yeah, Mum was a fashion designer while Dad ran his own textile and designs company. Dad said he was immediately attracted to Mum and he tried to approach her but he got snubbed. To cut the long story short, that was how they met and that was how our Textile and Fashion Designing company came to be."

"So they merged both companies together?"

"Yes, they did."

"That's creative."

"I agree but you should see the designs Mum made then, those were creativity on its own." He smiles proudly and continues.

"Dad's younger brother, my uncle, also worked in the company. He was previously working with Dad's textile company so when it was merged with Mum's designing company, he automatically became a worker there too. And you know, out of all of us that were given birth to by our parents, it was only Pauline that was interested in working in the company."

"Who is Pauline?"

"She was my elder sister. That was her name." He replies sadly.


"You know she could be really troublesome but I would give anything right now for her to just come out of her grave and tease me or make fun of me." He sighs but I can't help giggling nervously.

"That would actually be great but I don't think you'd be sitting here if she suddenly comes out of her grave. I won't be sitting here for sure." I reply.

He chuckles and this time, there was no hint of sadness in his laugh. I actually feel quite proud of myself.

"Funny you." He is still smiling and I smile back, liking the fact that he is no longer brooding and is smiling onow.

"Anyways, it was all clear for us to see that Pauline would definitely be the one to take over Dad and Mum's business when the time comes and so when they all died, things changed. Since I was the only survivor, I was the heir to the company and everything they had. But I was also too young to handle the business, I could only begin to run it when I am 21 years old."

"Who runs the business then?"

"The only family that we have working in the company. It was my Dad's younger brother, my uncle." He sighs again before continuing. "He was to run the business and take care of every other property that belongs to Dad until I was old enough to handle things."

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