Chapter 14

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Dedicated to bernieG247. Thanks for the support and encouragement ❤️

Hope you like this chapter 😘. A surprise POV waiting at the end 😌.

Chapter 14


Frank's father wasn't joking when he said we are going to the police station because it turns out the other two men that were with him are policemen.

People are starting to find out that there are policemen in the school because we haven't gone out of the school gate when I see students and teachers come out of their classroom to check those who are being taken away to the police station.

My thoughts are muddled up as I can't come up with a reason for being arrested.

Yes, Michael deserves to be arrested and hopefully sent to life imprisonment for what he did to that boy yesterday but I did absolutely nothing wrong.

I should actually be given accolades and awards for being brave enough to stand up for the boy and for saving him from dying.

So why the hell am I being carried in a police car to a police station?!

Michael and I sit in between the two policemen at the back of the car and amidst my confusion, I can't help but notice that Michael seems so calm.

It makes me wonder if this is the first time he is even going to a police station.

After about fifteen minutes of driving, we arrive at the police station and I immediately see Frank's mother waiting in the station, looking both angry and worried.

She looks up and sees us enter the station, she then goes straight to Michael and raise her hand to hit him. She is stopped by her husband who shakes his head but that doesn't stop her from saying her mind.

"Have you no shame?" She begins with annoyance. "Why would you decide to hit someone until he is in that condition? What wrong did he do?" She asks then shakes her head. "No, what wrong could he have done for you to decide that beating him up was the best thing that you could have done?!" She shouts, tears welling up in her eyes.

I move closer to console her while wondering if I even have the right to do so. I rub her back gently as she sobs into my shoulder and I glance at Michael who for the first time since we left the class actually looks remorseful.

"I'm very sorry, ma'am. I, I have no excuse. I'm just so sorry." He apologizes quietly and my hand freezes on the woman's back as I stare in shock at him.

Grace made a big deal out of how he doesn't apologize to anyone but here he is, not thinking twice before telling the woman sorry. He even added 'very'.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" She screams and I flinch, dropping my arms from around her shoulder. "My son is in the hospital because of you!"

"Ma'am, calm down and take a seat." One of the officers that were with us earlier says and points her towards a seat. "Sir, sit down too." He says to Frank's father and then goes to sit in front of them. Michael and I stand behind their chairs, watching the officer.

"I'm Officer James and I'm going to be in charge of this case." He addresses the two of them and turns to the father, "Barrister Adebayo, you are a well-known lawyer in this country and have even appeared on TV on several occasions." The officer starts and that's when I realize he looks familiar because I've seen him on TV.

The last time I saw him on TV was when he helped a woman get a divorce and alimony from her abusive husband. It was a tough case because she refused to admit that she was being hit by her husband due to fear. It got so bad that one of their children ended up in the hospital because he tried to save his mother from their father. It was a huge case and it spiked people's interest as women who were also being abused by their husbands started to speak up.

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