Chapter 34

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Picture of Grace above 💓❤️😍🥰

Chapter Thirty Four


I arrive home with Sam who has fallen asleep on our way back. I glance at his sleeping form and I can't help remembering the children his age that I saw earlier that looked like they were suffering from hunger and malnutrition. I really should help them the best way I can.

I try waking him but he seems to have fallen into a deep sleep so I carry him. When Lanre notices this, he helps me with my school bag and Sam's lunch bag and I thank him.

I enter into the house and Nanny notices Sam with me, she collects him from me and smiles when she finds that he is already asleep.

"I'll just drop him upstairs." She tells and I nod.

Lanre drops our bag on one of the sofas and heads outside, probably to his quarters.

I wait for Nanny to come downstairs so I can tell her about Grace's date with Femi and my intentions towards the children I saw at Tayo's neighborhood. I sit down in the chair and sigh anxiously because I know Nanny will be asking a lot of questions.

"Welcome, dear." Nanny greets as she reaches me.

"Good afternoon, Nanny."

"How was school today?"

"It was okay." I respond and decide to get straight to business. "Nanny, I have to ask for your permission for two things."

"Oh, I better sit." She replies excitedly and sits beside me, probably thinking it involves something interesting. I smile, knowing she's going to be disappointed when she realizes they aren't about me.

"The first permission is on behalf of Grace." I start and she looks at me, confused.

"I don't understand."

"She's going on a date and she needs your permission."

"I still don't understand." She replies, her eyebrows furrowed. "Why does she need my permission to go on a date?"

"Because she'll be going from our house."

"And why will she be going from our house?" She asks.

I sigh again because I saw these questions coming and I know I have no choice than to respond.

"A guy invited her on a date but she can't go because her dad won't allow her and she really wants to go. So I suggested she tells her mum that she is going on a date but tells her dad that she's coming over for a sleep over at my place." I try to summarise but she still doesn't look satisfied with the explanation.

"Are you telling me none of her parents know that she is actually going on a date?"

"Her mum is aware, only her dad cannot find out because he won't permit her to leave. That's why she and her mum will both pretend she's coming for a sleep over at my place so she can go to the date from here."

She looks like she finally understands but she still looks doubtful.

"But you do know it's risky right? I don't even know the guy she's going out with it. What if something happens to her? It will be said that she was at a sleepover at our place not on a date with someone."

"But Nanny, I know the guy she's going out with and nothing is going to happen to her. She is going to come back here safe and sound so don't think about this too much and just say yes." I plead, making a puppy face.

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