Chapter 15

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Sorry for the late update. Hope the length of the chapter makes up for it 😌.

Dedicated to Perezsax ❤️

Chapter Fifteen


I sit at our table in the cafeteria, waiting for the bell for lunch to ring so Grace and John can come down to eat. I feel strange since I'm the only student in the cafeteria and everywhere is quiet.

The bell finally rings and I quickly go to buy lunch before other students come in to get theirs. I buy Jollof rice, salad and chicken with a can of Coca-Cola and by the time I go back to sit, people are already trudging into the cafeteria to get their lunch. I have just taken two spoons of rice when I see John walk into the cafeteria. His eyes immediately go to our table and I see him visibly relax when our eyes meet, his mouth forming a smile.

He walks towards me first instead of getting his lunch and leans above me on the table, my heart skipping at our close proximity.

"Are you fine? Nothing weird happened to you at the station?" He asks in a low, gentle voice.

"I am fine." I find myself responding in a whisper and returning his smile.

"Good. I'm coming now, let me just get my lunch first."

I nod in response and watch him join the queue for lunch, my smile not leaving my face as I watch him order his food at the servers.

Can someone tell me why I feel this guy is not my soulmate again? Should I just accept to be his girlfriend?

Wole and Peter walk into the cafeteria not long after and I know that as the noise in the cafeteria reduces. Not silently like when it's all of them but enough to know that the both of them still have some of their attention.

Good for them.

But why are they just two? Where are Femi and Michael?

Wait, is Michael not back from the police station?

My question is answered almost immediately as he strolls into the cafeteria with his hands in his pocket and a smug expression on his face. He looks far too confident for someone who is just coming back from the station and I can't help rolling my eyes. He suddenly pauses, searching the cafeteria until his eyes land on me.

He winks at me and I narrow my eyes at him, wondering what has come over him.

I didn't even give him the ride he wanted so much.

I watch with distaste as he bounces to his usual table where his friends are waiting and it isn't even up to a minute when his girlfriend and her friends come to join the table.

I roll my eyes. Typical.

Grace rushes into the cafeteria and I watch her with alarm. Seeing how she is hurriedly running into the cafeteria with an anxious look on her face, she has probably been worried sick about me and is going to bite my ears off.

She stops running when she sees that a considerable amount of people has their attention on her so she walks briskly towards our table instead, practically slumping on one of the chairs.

"I'm sorry." I immediately offer an apology but she doesn't seem to have heard. She looks like she is in a trance, a dazed expression on her face.

Is something wrong?

A hush falls over the cafeteria again and I look up to see that Femi has just entered the cafeteria, a slight smile on his face. I don't think he is even aware of his surroundings as he heads to their table, smiling.

Operation Falling | Operation Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now