Chapter 36

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Picture of Femi above 😌😍💓

So someone brought it to my notice that I mentioned in the book that they were in their last term as SS3 students but there has not been any talks of their final exams and graduation.

That was a mistake on my path because I meant the last session not last term. I made mention of it when they were having practicals in the chemistry lab, don't know if you guys can remember. They just got promoted to SS3 and it's actually the first term so the talk for exams and graduation will still take a while.

I'm sorry if it had caused confusion for some readers. I'm also aware that they might be some inconsistencies in the story. I am definitely working on correcting them.

I appreciate your patience.

Enjoy the new chapter!


Chapter Thirty Six


Today is one of the best days of my life.

To be honest, I still feel like this is all a dream and I might wake up soon to discover that it's indeed all a figment of my imagination.

But yet, I'm currently in this car at ten past nine navigating my way to my house and that can only mean that I had really just dropped Grace at Cynthia's place minutes ago.

Although I don't understand why I'm so convinced that what I'm going to have with Grace is any different from my past relationships. I know I like to argue with Wole and deny that all he is saying about girls using me for my popularity and money in school is false, but I still can't help feeling deep within me that there are some truths to his words.

And I really don't know why.

Why can't they just like me because I'm handsome, funny and have a great personality? What is it about me that makes me come off as desperate?

The memories of when I had caught Chika with another guy comes back. She had been making out with him in one of those empty classroom after school was closed. While they had just broken off the kiss and Chika seemed unable to get enough of the boy with her hand all over him, the boy had voiced concerns of someone seeing them and reporting to me.

The damned girl had giggled and told him, 'Don't worry about him. He's like a lovesick puppy wanting attention. I bet he can't live without me.' Then she had continued to kiss him like her life depended on it.

I didn't interrupt them that day but I sure as hell proved to her that I can live without her. Actually, the irony seems to be on her because she's the one who is now acting like a lovesick puppy, following me around like I might change my mind and take her back.

Something that is definitely not happening.

I had ended things with her back then but I could never forget her words.

'A lovesick puppy wanting attention.'

Maybe she is right.

Maybe I want attention. No. Maybe I need someone to love me.

But I just have this gut feelings that I might have just found that person in Grace.

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