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How lucky am I to have met someone who makes saying goodbye so hard.



Two years ago.


I feel like shit.

No, seriously. I don't feel good at all.

My head feels like it's being hit continuously with drum sticks, my eyesight has suddenly gone bad, my throat hurts and my insides are churning.

Can someone tell me why I am here again?

Wait, I think I know the answer. It's because I can be stupid sometimes, that's why.

Before I can continue to wallow in self pity, someone rushes outside from inside the house where the party is going on and the sudden loudness of the music that was muffled just until the door opens makes the headache I'm feeling stronger.

The person who ran outside from the party hurriedly move towards a flower pot and retches inside it making a loud gagging sound.

And do you know what made it even more disgusting? The fact that I see it happening in two places.

I don't know how but the person vomiting seems to have a clone standing next to him, copying his exact movements.

It's kinda creepy.

I fight to hold in my own vomit as they wipe their mouths at the same time and straighten up, both of them slightly stumbling.

I look away from the person who I've come to realize is a guy and begin to regret my choice of coming here again.

How did I manage to get myself convinced by Grace to attend this party?

I can remember how she had told me it was going to be fun and insisted that it would be thrilling since we aren't meant to be there in the first place. She had declared that I might even meet my soulmate at the party and had reassured me that nothing bad is going to happen.

And now that I think back to everything she had said, none of them had turned out to be right. Not one of it.

I let out a scoff as I think of what has happened since I arrived at the party.

Meet my soulmate indeed.

Why did I even listen to her?

On a normal day, I would have insisted that I wasn't going anywhere with her and she shouldn't go either. I would have told her that a 15-year old in SS1 has no business going to parties thrown by the seniors in SS3.

But no, the curious part of me had wanted to know what the hype about those parties were really about, especially since Grace just wouldn't stop talking about how fun the party is going to be.

Needless to say I got disappointed five minutes into the party. All I've gained since I stepped into the party is a throbbing headache and a constant feeling of disgust.

We had lied to Nanny that we were going for a sleepover at the place of a new friend and she had been surprised that I had made a new friend. She knows I don't like or talk to any of my classmates and I was sure she wasn't going to believe Grace.

But that surprise had quickly been replaced by delight and she had been pleased that I was actually making an attempt at socializing and making more friends.

She had easily bought Grace's lie and even helped us pack everything we will be needing for the night, including snacks to share with our new friend.

I can imagine her reaction when she finds out the truth and I can't help chuckling at the image of her having close to a heart attack and scolding the hell out of us.

Operation Falling | Operation Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now