Chapter 43

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I'm so sorry for the late update 😔😔 but I'm really happy with this chapter and I know Cynthia and Michael shippers are absolutely going to love it.

Get ready for something spicy 😋😉.

Happy reading!!!


Chapter Forty Three


Everyone is anxious.

It's been more than an hour since we discovered Cynthia has gone missing and she is still nowhere to be found. I was too busy trying to get out of the situation with the woman that I wasn't watching her like I was before. Maybe if I had my eyes on her, I could have gotten an idea of where she went to.

"Grace, are you sure you don't know where she went to?" The teacher asks a very distressed looking Grace who shakes her head in response for the twentieth time in the last thirty minutes.

"Where could she have gone too?" Grace asks herself, her voice breaking like she is about to cry. She dials her number for the umpteenth time and it rings again until it stops.

"You said you saw her leaving with a girl, right?" The teacher asks a boy who nods his head.

"I did too." A girl adds.

"And the other girl is still not here?" She asks the girl who glances around again to confirm what she had already told the teacher previously.

"She's not." The girl replies.

What the hell is happening?

"Do you think she has been kidnapped?" Femi suddenly asks and every head around him turns to his direction.

Grace who is standing next him hits him on his shoulder, a glare on her face, "Don't joke with something like that." She tells him sternly.

"I'm not joking. She might have excused herself because she wanted to pee and might have gotten kidnapped on the way. This place is in the outskirts of town, you know?" He explains, putting more anxiety in the already anxious Grace.

"Guy, just stop it." Wole tells him with a no nonsense look.

"I'm just saying." Femi replies with a remorseful tone.

"Let's hope it isn't that." The teacher adds with a final tone and everyone is suddenly quiet again.

John is sitting on a chair, considerably calm but I can see him dialling a number once in a while.

Peter, on the other hand, has no expression whatsoever on his face. I swear to God, they can be committing murder next to him and he will still be indifferent.

The only other people that look unbothered by the whole situation are Dorcas and her friends, although I see a kind of unsettled look on Dorcas face that seems to get cleared as soon as one of her friends says something to her.

There's definitely something going on with them and I can't help suspecting that she knows something about Cynthia going missing.

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