Chapter 41

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This chapter is unedited. There might be few mistakes. Will edit later.

Happy reading!!!

Chapter Forty One


I'm so exhausted.

We had been so busy today that I hardly got to speak to Cynthia. We had to stay back after school to finish sorting through the foodstuff and by the time we were done, it was late in the evening and everyone was tired and just wanted to go home.

The class teacher had left first, leaving us to organise the rest and once she was out of the classroom, all Grace and Femi did was to fawn over each other. Femi wouldn't let her lift anything heavy, something she had been perfectly able to do when the teacher was still in class.

I could see the judging look in Wole's eyes and he was clearly making an effort to keep quiet. Peter on the hand wasn't paying attention to them and it wasn't surprising since all of his focus seems to be on Cynthia. Sometimes, he would look at her for so long that I would be convinced he is zoned out but then I will see his eyeballs following her every movement.

Cynthia didn't seem to notice and she was being too enthusiastic in getting everything done. She wouldn't allow me help her when I try to, she will only ask to me to do it myself instead so we could get it done quicker.

Grace had been the one to leave first. Femi had offered to take her home but she had immediately denied, saying her dad had sent the driver to pick her up. She had given him a peck on the cheeks, wave to Cynthia and the rest of us and left.

I wanted to approach Cynthia to talk to her but that's when she also received a call from who I guessed is her Nanny.  She picked up her bag without cutting the call, waved to all of us - I notice her eyes lingering on me - before finally leaving.

As soon as she was gone, Wole turned to Femi and told him that he is trying too hard with Grace and he shouldn't look so lovesick because he's only going to come off as desperate again.

Knowing an argument is starting to brew between them, I subtly left them with Peter who is looking at them with annoyance. I'm surprised to see that he has an emotion on his face but then Wole and Femi arguments are beginning to annoy me too.

Kunle and the rest of the guards were waiting for me outside the school compound and he just gave me a small smile when I slumped into the car and immediately close my eyes. He knows I'm tired.

I couldn't really sleep during the drive home. I'm still thinking of the dilemma I'm in.

Do I tell her everything? When is the right time to tell her?

These questions keep repeating themselves in my mind and now that I'm lying lazily on my bed, I still can't find the answers to the question.

Most importantly, the fact that Peter might be up to something keeps popping up in my mind.

A knock on the door startles me followed by Maggie's voice.

"Michael, I've sent your tutor home for today so you can rest. Henry told me about what you and your friends are planning to do for some kids and I'm really impressed." She talks from behind the door.

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