Chapter 57

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“Sure, love happens,” he said finally. “But it’s better to be realistic so shit’s not constantly blowing up in your face. And love is way more likely to blow up in your face than to bring eternal happiness. And if
it doesn’t hurt you, then you’re the one hurting someone else.

- Augustus Everett from the Beach Read by Emily Henry

I found that quote in a book (a good one) that I read just after I had posted the previous chapter of Operation Falling and immediately, what came to mind was this is exactly something Michael could have said so I immediately copied it and decided that I was including it in this chapter.

Although love can be a beautiful thing, we can't deny that sometimes, it brings hurt along with it. What we all just want and hope is that we find comfort in those beautiful moments we've had and that it continues to remain beautiful. We all just want our happy ending.

So here's to wishing everyone has their own happy ending 🤗.

Let's return to Michael and Cynthia's world now, shall we? Favourites are going to start changing 😌. Hang on for the ride.

Happy reading!!!!


Chapter Fifty Seven


I'm about to lose my mind.

That's exactly what will happen if I don't get explanations to the stunt Peter just pulled at the cafeteria.

How long?

How long has this shit been going on?

And what the hell does he keep trying to prove?

I drive as fast as I can to his place because I need him to repeat everything he told me on the phone to my face so I know he's not just making shit up.

Thanks to him, Cynthia had been pissed at me and our date had been ruined.

Everything I had planned to tell her had seem less important at that moment and with the way things are going, I doubt I will ever be able to tell her. Not with Peter being a constant obstacle in my way.

He definitely dislikes me and I don't know why. It's tiring, really. Knowing that he doesn't like me from the very beginning and seeing that dislike grow to something deeper, that's the only valid explanation as to why he's willing to go this far to keep the truth from Cynthia. To ruin the relationship I am even yet to have with her.

He knows I have deep feelings for her and he also knows that if she finds out the truth about our agreement in another way or from another person, it can ruin our relationship forever.

The only way I can at least retain some points with her is if I'm the one to tell her the truth because I know how disappointed and hurt she's going to be if she hears it from someone else.

And yet, he still wants to deprive me of that too.

If only I hadn't agreed to his stupid proposition in the first place, I wouldn't be involved in all this shit with him. Right now, I'm currently feeling like I fell into a trap by agreeing to the deal that day.

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