Chapter 21

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Thank you guys for 3k reads. I love you all.

This chapter is pretty long too. Hope you enjoy it. 

Dedicated to @chigirlsfantasy. Your comments are everything, xoxo.

Chapter Twenty One


I don't know how long I sit there alone in the classroom, I don't even know when the bell for end of lunch rang. I only realize that the bell has rung when I hear footsteps along the corridor and see people start to enter the class.

I watch them enter until I see John. And he looks pretty upset.

Is he still annoyed because of Michael and his friends?

He rushes over to me and sits beside me, "Why did you walk out on us like that?" He asks worriedly.

"I don't know. I was just annoyed and wanted to be alone. Those stupid girls really ruined my mood." I reply and he only stares at me intently without saying anything.

He then stands and goes to his seat, only for him to come back with his belongings and to sit next to me.

"I'm going to be your seat partner till school ends for today." He says and I smile appreciatively at him.

"Thanks." I reply and he smiles back in return.

I've always wanted to know how having John as my seat partner will turn out to be and I'm glad that I will be finding out now.

As the lesson progresses, I've come to realize that although John is good company and occasionally asks questions concerning the topics we are being taught, I find myself missing Michael.

He's only growing on me, I tell myself. That's probably all there is to it.



"Calling someone disgusting and dangerous when you're the one who beat an innocent guy to a pulp and isn't even human enough to check up on him in the hospital he is."

Those words have been haunting me since Cynthia had said them to me when we were arguing outside the Chemistry laboratory and it's the only thing I can think of on my way to meet the guys that are already waiting for me by their respective cars.

The truth is I still can't get over the look in her eyes when she was saying those words.

Am I really that bad? That disgusting?

I know I should be heading home with the boys right now so we can make some adjustments to the secret room but I'm thinking there might be a slight change in plans. I'll have to make a stop somewhere.

I continue my way to the guys and when I get there, I notice that there's still a silent treatment between Wole and Femi. 

I just hope they make up soon. I miss their childish banter and funny remarks.

"Change of plans, guys." I announce to them and they all don't seem too happy to hear that. "It's okay, I'm just going to stop over somewhere before coming back to meet you guys. You can continue without me."

"What exactly are we even meant to do to the room?" Femi asks.

"Well, I think the most important thing that needs to be done is to get it really cleaned and arranged. We haven't been there in a while so it is covered with dust. Everything also needs to be arranged. New sheets for the beds, the musical instruments should be kept in one side, the fridge should be stocked with ingredients and drinks. I also asked if she plays video games and she seems cool with it, you might try checking out video games girls might like and install them too."

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