Chapter 30

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Happy new year guys!

Wishing you all a great 2022. 

I'm supposed to do a double update to celebrate the new year but I'm not able to finish with the second chapter so you guys should manage this one.

Get ready for some Minthia moments. You guys will surely love it.

Happy reading!!!

Chapter Thirty


I pull Grace from where she's standing next to the window and when we have reached far enough, she removes her hand and gives me an unimpressed look.

"And what question did he ask other than the one where he asked about what we were talking about politely?" She asks with mild annoyance.

"He asked me what my relationship with John is."


And I lied to him.

"And it's none of his business."

"Did you tell him that when he asked you?"

I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth.


"Did you answer his question?"

My answer was incorrect.


"So why are you making a BIG DEAL out of it now?" She asks.

I don't know. Maybe because I am feeling guilty.

She raises an eyebrow expectantly. Still waiting for my response.

"It's just that his behavior changed after hearing my response. He was quiet throughout the whole class and when he spoke to me, it was with an attitude." I explain, trying to come up with something that isn't entirely a lie. Grace just gives me a dead look.

"So... you are trying to tell me that you're annoyed because he asked you a question, which you answered, and because of that he didn't speak to you like before."

"Yes?" I answer unsurely.

"Although this isn't the conversation I'd like to be having with you right now, I think there's something wrong with you."

"You don't understand!" I say with exasperation.

"Exactly. Kindly make me understand."

I'm beginning to have feelings for him, Grace. How do I tell him that when he is asking about someone else? About someone I'm supposed to like? About someone who just confessed to loving me?

"If he had never asked that question, he wouldn't have known the answer. And if he didn't know the answer which is that I like John, maybe he wouldn't be giving me the silent treatment. All this happened because he wasn't minding his business."

That's another lie. I'm not certain I even like John anymore.

Grace finally nods in understanding.

"I get you now but something is seriously wrong with you." She frowns and I scowl at her. "So the main reason you're annoyed is because he isn't talking to you like before?" She asks.

Now that she puts it that way, I seem desperate.

She doesn't say anything but just continues to stare at me and I start to become uncomfortable. Then she starts to smile like she knows something I don't.

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