Chapter 47

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I'm here to keep my promise 🥰.

Are y'all still awake?

Hope you like this chapter!!!


Chapter Forty Seven


The game begins in a very competitive way as both of the teams seem to be equally matched. Although I watch with little interest as each team play shots towards the goal post but fails to score.

Throughout the first half, my mind constantly drifts to what Michael said as it bothers me a lot.

The first half is soon over with neither of the team scoring. Everyone starts conversing and commenting on the game. They aren't even sure of who is going to win. I watch as the players withdraw from the field and notice how tired John is. He is really trying for the team. Wole on the hand looks just a little bit tired and coolly walks away from the field. They are both the center of focus on each team as they played very well.

"Your team is better than I thought." Michael says as the last player removes himself from the field.

I clear my throat before replying, "Why did you say that?"

"If they weren't strong, they would be down by two goals now."

"How do you know?" Grace asks him, joining in on the conversation.

"Because the other team has Wole and believe me when I say Wole is a very good player, even better than me."

"Well, our team has John and he is a good player too." I respond automatically.

"Defending lover-boy, are you?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "But you are right. He is a good player."

"You must be really into football, then?" Grace asks.

"Yeah, I am but then so are most boys, right Femi?" He asks Femi who nods in response.

The break is over and the players soon file out into the field and the second half begins.

The second half is quite different from the first half as the two teams are now bent on scoring a goal. Our team players seem very charged and they controlled the ball skillfully. It isn't long that we score a goal and we are in the lead.

John is still in control of the ball, trying to move it towards the goal post when Wole comes and tries to take the ball from him. They begin to tackle each other then Wole falls to the ground. John bends down to help him up but is shoved by Wole instead. This seems to enrage John who shoves him in return and soon they begin to fight but they are quickly stopped by the referee who blows the whistle and comes in between the two of them.

I'll be lying if I say I'm not surprised by the fight that has just ensued between them. Of course, I'm aware that there's a kind of enmity between them but this public show of hatred is what is surprising. When I glance at Grace, I see that she also looks surprised but when I look at Michael, Femi and Peter, their faces are indifferent. It's like they already know it is bound to happen.

"You know I had my suspicions that Wole and John aren't on good terms but this just seems to prove my point." Grace comments and I nod in agreement.

"What exactly is wrong with the two of them?" I ask no one in particular and then turn to Michael.

"What?" He asks and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You guys know something about them that you are not telling us and I want to know what that is."

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