Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen


"Sam, wake up."

I tap him as he has fallen asleep on our way home and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Are we home already?" He asks, sitting upright and rubbing his eyes.

"Yes dear, let's go inside so you can sleep comfortably."

"Okay." He replies groggily.

I open his side of the car and watch him get out, helping him so he doesn't fall before carrying his lunch bag and my school bag and also getting out of the car.

We make our way to the house and we are greeted by Nanny who is already waiting by the entrance.

"Good afternoon, Nanny." Sam greets sleepily as he enters into the sitting room.

"Good afternoon dear. You look tired." She comments, following after him.

He slumps on one of the chairs, "Yes. I want to sleep."

"Why not eat something before sleeping?" She asks him.

"I'll eat when I wake up." He yawns.

"Alright, just make sure you change out of your clothes before you sleep." She addresses as he starts to walk towards the stairs.

"Okay, Nanny." He replies as he climbs up the stairs.

I can bet five thousand that he is just going to fall on his bed and sleep immediately.

I drop lazily on a couch, feeling very tired myself and let out a loud yawn.

"I know you already had a stressful morning at school with going to the police station. Hope the rest wasn't as stressful?" Nanny asks, looking down at me.

Stressful? More like crazy.

I got into a fight with one of the nastiest girl in school in the school cafeteria, the most popular guy in school now sits next to me which isn't comfortable by the way and I also got invited to his secret room, something that definitely doesn't happen on a normal day.

Speaking of the secret room, I should tell Nanny now that I'd be going to Grace's place on Friday.

"You keeping quiet like this makes me feel a whole lot happened after I dropped you at school." Nanny comments as she stares down at me with amusement before finally taking her seat.

"Oh, it was boring." I reply, waving it off because I will rather not explain. But when she smiles like she knows something I think she doesn't, I start to get suspicious.

"Really? If your definition of boring is pouring a cola drink on a fellow student in the middle of the cafeteria, I'm scared to know what your definition of interesting will be." Nanny says and my mouth drops open.

She knows?!!!

"A video of it was posted on your school's group and-" She doesn't have to explain further because I already know how she found out about it.

I think I'm just going to say this now;

Facebook, I hate you.

"Thankfully, the video has been taken down and there were no comments about you getting sued this time around." She smiles and I almost roll my eyes.

"Don't be like that. Aren't you glad I don't have to call any lawyers?" She teases and at that moment, I can't help but remember mum.

"Yeah, I'm glad you don't have to call mum." I reply flatly and her demeanor instantly changes.

Operation Falling | Operation Series Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora