Chapter 55

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I'm so sorry for the late update. It's been a while, I know. I've just had some things going on so I had to take a short break. I'm sorry for doing that without informing all of you.

I still can't say that my update will be regular from now on so please bear with me. Just know that I'll be trying my best to put together a good chapter for you.

I hope this chapter is one of them although it's not edited.

Happy reading!!!


Chapter Fifty Five


The bell for the end of the last period finally rings while I ignore Michael's hundredth attempt to talk to me since lunch had ended and we had returned to class.

"Cynthia, I'm sorry!"

He looks frustrated that I'm not saying anything even after he is apologising but that's his problem. Not after how he had treated Peter in everyone's presence.

I clear my book from the table and bring out my bag from my locker.

"Please, Cynthia. I need you to tell me if the date is cancelled or not. Just tell me, I'm brave enough to hear your final answer."

I ignore him again, almost rolling my eyes at what he just said.

"Cynthia, please!" 

Having finally packed all my books in my bag, I strap my bag on my shoulder and pick up the paper bag that contains Peter's clothes. I'll ask him to meet me at the school entrance to collect it and maybe apologise to him on Michael's behalf.

I head out of the classroom, glancing at him and find him looking utterly miserable and defeated on his seat. Ignoring him is a bit harder this time but I still do.

I go to Grace's class and find that there's still a teacher in her class. So I text her to meet me at the school entrance. I also send Peter a text asking him to meet me at the school entrance for his clothes.

As I approach the stairs, I begin to wonder if I had overreacted earlier at the cafeteria.

No, you didn't overreact. You just got reminded of the Michael you used to hate.

With a sigh, I find myself agreeing with my subconscious.

I'm guessing I still have a lot to know about him. Especially why there is so much friction between he and Peter?

There is definitely something between them that only two of them knows. Or maybe the four of them.

I'm lost in thought and hardly paying attention to where I'm going that I don't realise there is someone's leg in my way. I get startled when I suddenly stumble upon it and when I look up and see that it's Dorcas and her bimbos again, I take in a huge breath and ask God for lots of patience.

Don't they get tired??

"So, you are going on a date with my boyfriend today." She announces with a condescending tone, giving me a disgusted look.

At this rate, she seems really pitiful. Still trying to push the 'Michael is my boyfriend' narrative.

"Stop trying too hard." I tell her like I would tell Sam when he insists on getting his way even though he's clearly wrong.

Cat throws me a glare, looking like she's barely keeping herself from gouging my eyes out.

Honestly, she's the only who actually scares me a bit amongst the three of them. But today, I would rather do without the drama and just go home.

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