Chapter 19a

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This chapter is dedicated to mamabeauty and symply_joyce for their continuous support. Thank you ❤️

Chapter Nineteen


The sound of the bell ringing for the next period successfully wakes me from the light slumber I fell in. I open my eyes and I'm about to make an exaggerated yawn when I notice Cynthia beside me, acting kind of strange.

She is bringing out her books from her bag and making a show of dropping them slowly on the table as if she doesn't want to make any sound.

I watch with amusement as she does this and almost burst out laughing when I realize what she's trying to do.

She is definitely trying to leave me here in class and go to the laboratory by herself.

Whenever I notice that she might glance my way, I close my eyes to pretend that I'm still asleep and when I'm sure she's no longer looking, I open my eyes to watch what she's doing.

She's already done taking her things from her bag and is now trying to walk silently around the table so she won't wake me.

I decide it's time to make her know that I'm awake.

"You are a really bad seat-partner, you know?" I ask without hiding the amusement in my voice.

She freezes at my words and then turns around to glare at me. She's clearly at fault here but is still shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

"So you were awake?"

I nod with enthusiasm and a smug smile, "It was fun to see you try to get rid of me."

"Well, I guess I don't have to walk slowly anymore since you are already awake. I was just trying to let you sleep." She replies and I can definitely hear the sarcasm in her words.

"Yeah, right." I grin then stand from my seat, bringing out new notes from my bag for the class. The next thing I see is her speed walking out of the class.

"Hey! Won't you wait for me?!" I call out but she ignores me. "I don't know where the Chemistry laboratory is-"

She is gone. Just like that.

How can she do this to her seat partner?

I slump back on my seat with a sigh, not knowing what to do.

I glance around the classroom at the few students left. Should I just follow some of these students when they are going? Or should I just miss the Chemistry class altogether?

Well, since it's just a class, I can always make up for it in the next one.


I look up, startled, at the sound of the sudden feminine voice that just greeted and find two girls standing in front of me. The one I assume greeted me is smiling down at me while the one next to her is all excited, her hands over her mouth as if she is trying to contain her squeal.

I try not to look at her like I find her weird.

"Hi." I reply the first girl as politely as I can and give her an expectant look when she doesn't reply. She seems to have suddenly gone into daydream mode.

There must certainly be a reason she's currently standing in front of me.

"Aren't you going to the Chemistry laboratory?" She finally asks.

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