Chapter 20

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Hey, guys. I'm finally done with my test and I felt I should update as soon as I can. For all of you that has been patiently waiting for this update, I love y'all and I hope you enjoy it.

I will start the regular updates like before. So, anticipate 😌.


Chapter Twenty


I grab her face and bring my head down to kiss her and she seems too stunned to process what is happening. But the shock is only for a minute because just when I'm about to close the last inch of space between us, she places her palm in the middle of our lips so I end up kissing her hand instead.

I blink down at her in confusion, only just realising what had happened before she pushes me away, a look of disbelief and indignation on her face.

I close my eyes, expecting the slap that is sure to follow but then a moment passed without feeling it and when I open my eyes, I see her looking at me with a bit of confusion before she speed walks away from me.

All the adrenaline that was bursting through me at that moment immediately disappear and I'm left feeling disappointed in myself.

I shouldn't have done that. 

I really shouldn't have done that.

God! What was I thinking? What is wrong with me?

I just ruined whatever chance I had with her, even though I'm pretty convinced I had no chance with her to begin with.

I know I overreacted, if there was another word to qualify what I did, it will definitely be more fitting but now that she's gone and I'm not being blinded by my emotions, I start to think of why I had even reacted that way.


I definitely do not like her.

In fact, thinking of all the humiliation I've suffered from her these past few days, there's possibly no way I can.

So was it my ego?

Was it that I just couldn't stomach the fact that she was acting all lovey-dovey with someone else when she wouldn't so much as bat an eyelid when I'm involved? Especially after all that had gone down between us two years ago?

Or is it the fact that the person is John? The most disgusting person I know?

The possibilities are endless.

I can't let her end up with John, not if everything that had gone down with Wole is something to go by. I have to stop whatever he is planning towards her, I just can't believe he genuinely likes her. 

Gosh! I need to talk to the guys. To hear their opinions. I know I'm going to get bashed and I need to stop over thinking things.

My head has been hung low all these while so when I raise my head and see the number of people watching me with wary and worried eyes, I take a defensive step back.

At least, they have no judging eyes.

I square my shoulders and proceed to walk confidently through the number of students that have gathered. I might have just done something that is out of character but there is no doubt that I'm still their one and only Michael, the son of the Senator and the school owner.

I head towards the out of bounds stairs and straight to my former classroom. I don't care that it's not lunch break yet and it's still lesson hours. I don't even care that they might be a teacher with them. I just feel it won't be a great idea to sit next to Cynthia for the next period after how I had just tried to kiss her.

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