Chapter 17

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This chapter is a bit long. I hope it is good enough 🙂.

Dedicated to BritneyRoRo and cx_kiki. I really appreciate you guys support ❤️❤️

Chapter Seventeen


What the hell is he saying?

I stare at him with confusion, not understanding what he just said.

"Prove me wrong about what?" I ask. "And what am I remembering?"

His face suddenly lights up, a total contrast to how cold it went just now. "You might call me a liar if I tell you so I guess you will know in due time." He replies in a sing-song manner.

I give him a frustrated look, "Know what exac-

I'm suddenly turned around to face John who is smiling anxiously, "Are you alright?" He asks, glancing furtively between me and Michael.

"No. There's someone I need to get rid off before I can be alright." I reply with annoyance and become even more annoyed by the slight chuckle that follows from Michael. I turn around to glare at him but John turns me to him again with a small laugh.

I give him a wary look, "Why are you laughing?"

"Huh?" He asks like he wasn't expecting that question and then changes the topic, "Is something wrong between you and Grace?" I raise an eyebrow in question and he continues, "Because she has sent me tons of messages asking me to plead with you on her behalf."

I remember the argument we had in the restroom and smile, "We just had a little disagreement. She was just being extra."

"I hope you guys settle it." He replies and then his face turns upset, "I can't walk you and Grace to the school entrance today as well. Mum needs me home as soon as possible."

"Is something wrong at home? You've been going home earlier these days."

"No, mum just needs help with some things."

I start to reply but get interrupted by a fake cough from a certain someone. I shoot him a dirty look, "What is wrong with you?"

He shrugs, "Don't believe anything he says. He is a liar."

I turn to John and see an annoyed look on his face, even I am offended on his behalf. I turn back to face him, "And who are you to know that?"

He gives John a pointed look, not replying my question and John returns it with a blank expression.

Okay... so what's going on?

I glance from John to Michael until John breaks the stare and turns to look at me with a small smile, "I'll get going now."

I nod absentmindedly, "Oh, okay."

"Thanks so much". He replies and before I can ask what he is thanking me for, he kisses me on my cheek. His lips linger for a while, leaving me surprised and confused because I can't understand why he is giving me a peck out of the blue but I also can't help the surge of warmth I'm feeling throughout my body and when he finally breaks the kiss, I can only look at him with astonishment as he winks and leaves the class.

I smile after he is gone, that naughty boy.

"We should get going now." Michael announces, his icy voice cutting through the warmth I'm feeling and my smile slowly fades. He goes back to our seat, grabs both our bags and comes back to give me mine.

Operation Falling | Operation Series Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz