Chapter 61

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Last chapter for now.

Song for the chapter in the media. You don't have to play it until later.

Hope you like the chapter!


Chapter Sixty One


How dare he still show up at the party after everything he has done to me?

Everything he is still so eagerly planning to do to me?

When I had seen him holding her hands, jealousy was the least of the emotions I was feeling. Fear and anger being the most paramount.

Fear that I could really lose her to him and anger that he's the one making me feel that way.

Whenever I think back to the fact that he had actually made a deal with my dad without my knowledge, knowing fully well the kind of relationship we have, my fury increases.

Because I still can't seem to understand why he had done it? Why he is doing all of this?

Cynthia didn't deny that they were having a discussion when I asked her what she and Peter were discussing so that must mean he had told her something.

What is it?? What could he have told her?

He wouldn't have told her about the agreement yet, would he??

I know he has given me a one month ultimatum but a day has hardly passed so he can't have told her yet.

So what did they talk about?

Maybe if I ask her again when she's back from the restroom, she might talk this time around.

But she's been gone for over ten minutes and she should be back already. Why is she taking so long??

I should go and see if everything is okay.

I make my way from the party in the yard and enter into the house, directing my legs towards the bathroom.

"Hi!" An unfamiliar girl smiles at me and waves. I notice she's next to her friend and when I turn to look at them, they both giggle.

I don't need anyone to tell me that they are drunk or probably tipsy. I give them what I hope is a smile and not a grimace and continue to make my way to the bathroom.

My heart leaps into my mouth as I see some group of people gathered in front of the bathroom and I immediately wonder if something had happened to Cynthia. But as I push through them to see what has gotten their attention, I freeze.

Peter and Cynthia are in what looks like an embrace and it even looks like they are about to kiss.

What the fuck is going on here??

I charge forward, ready to separate them but Cynthia takes a step back before I can get to them. She's still unaware of my presence and it gives me a bit of satisfaction to see that she's rejecting him solely because she doesn't like him.

This only shows to prove that Cynthia is not interested in Peter and that makes me happy. Far more than she can imagine.

I'm still about to make myself known when Cynthia speaks, keeping me in my tracks.

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