Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine


Does she really think I'm here to take my revenge?

She clears her throat and squares her shoulders, a determined look on her face as she starts to speak, "Look here, don't even think of trying anything funny or...

I stifle a smile, finding the whole situation hilarious then raise an eyebrow in question when she stops talking.

I smile, "Or what?"

She breaks her gaze from mine and refuses to look me in the eye, "Or you're going to regret it. If you think the slap I gave you in the cafeteria was shocking then you haven't seen anything because I can even do worse than that so-

"I'm actually here to apologize." I announce to stop her rambling.

"-don't you dare think you can-

She continues, not getting what I just said then suddenly stops, her eyes widening after processing the meaning of my proclamation.

Saying she looks stunned is an understatement.

After recovering from the shock, she gives me a wary look, "Are you for real?"

I watch her intently, wondering if she's being doubtful about my apology because of excitement or because she feels I'm being insincere.

I start to talk but she beats me to it, "I just find it hard to believe that you are actually here to ask for my forgiveness after what I had done to you in the cafeteria."

It's because she thinks it's insincere.

I try to look very remorseful and make my voice sound sincere, "I deserved it, what you did to me in the cafeteria." She blinks once then twice, confusion written all over her face and I continue. "I embarrassed you in front of the whole school and you only did what you thought was right by slapping me. When you slapped me, I realized how bad you must have felt and that was why I decided that I must get you to forgive me because everything that happened yesterday was entirely fault." I end quietly.

A lot of students have now gathered around us and they immediately begin to murmur among themselves as soon as I'm done talking.

Was that too much?

Cynthia doesn't say anything. She folds her hand and watches me keenly, like she is trying to find some answers on my face.

She stays like that for a while and I begin to get impatient. I just want to know if the apology worked or not.

I watch her lips rise slowly into a smile and I smile too, a triumphant feeling bubbling inside me.

Of course, it would work. I'm Michael Bankole after all.

But my smile freeze on my face when her own smile widens into a grin and she breaks out into a chuckle.

I watch with uncertainty as she laughs, wondering what is going on in her mind. Did she see through my lie?

Her expression suddenly goes rigid and she gives me a hard glare. I almost take a step back to put some distance in between us because of how quick her expression changed.

"You think I'm a fool?" She asks, her voice sending chills down my spine. "Oh, I know what you were thinking. You probably thought I would swoon at your apology and get swept off my feet with some sweet words you would say after."

My mouth almost falls open with shock at the accuracy of her words.

Is she a mind reader? Was that what she was doing when she was staring at me with concentration?

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