Chapter 62

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Hi, guys!!!

Since this is my first update this year... Happy new year everyone! How have y'all been?

I know it ended up taking a while again since the previous update but I really want you guys to know that I still plan on completing this book and I will keep updating it whenever I am chanced.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


Chapter Sixty Two


This wasn't what I had in mind whenever I thought of how this party would go.

It never included a drunk Femi resting on both me and Wole as we try to find a room to place him in.

I try to quiet my thoughts, focusing solely on how to keep moving as we climb the stairs with Femi's weight without tripping.

Wole helping makes it a bit easier as he tries to lead us into a room. After opening the fourth door and finally finding it empty, we enter and he helps me lay him on the bed.

Femi mumbles something incoherent as he lands on the bed with his eyes closed. I wonder if he has already fallen asleep.

Wole starts to remove his shoes but I stop him, "Don't worry, I will help him with it."

He nods and stares resignedly at Femi, "I hope he is better by tomorrow."

"I hope so too." I tell him.

"I will excuse you two now. Take good care of him." He says and immediately turns to leave.

Once the click of the door is in place, I put my bag on the table next to the bed before helping Femi with his shoes.

He shivers a little so I quickly grab the blanket and place it over him.

I look at him, wondering what else I can do to make him comfortable and with nothing left to do, I proceed to lie beside him and then hug him to myself.

He immediately hugs me back and calls my name, his voice sounding slightly above a whisper, "Grace?"

I snuggle into him, pulling him closer, "Yeah, it's me."

"I went to see my mum today." He tells me, probably not remembering that I already know. But I keep quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"I saw her again after twelve years." His voice cracks a little. "And she wasn't the woman I was expecting to see."

"What were you expecting to see?" I ask gently, my heart breaking for him.

He doesn't reply for a while and I can only hear the sound of his breathing. I begin to think he had fallen asleep but then he finally replies.

"I was expecting a woman that had everything in the world. A woman that was larger than life. A woman that I could continue to hate."

Oh, sweetheart. I pull him even closer to me, offering him my warmth as comfort.

"But she was none of those, Grace. She looked so thin like she had not eaten in days. She tried to hide it with her clothes but I could see it. I could feel it when she held my hands in her own."

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