Chapter 2

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It's weird to feel like you miss someone you're not even sure you know

David Foster Wallace

Chapter Two


The following day after that party, I had woken up with a splitting headache and an unknown leather jacket wrapped around me.

I was immediately bombarded with memories of a guy trying to take advantage of me at a party and I had realized it was the one Grace's boyfriend had invited us to.

A boy in leather jacket had shown up then, successfully saving me from the guy. He had removed his leather jacket and covered me with it.

But that was where it ended. The memories of that night.

I could neither remember his face or what had happened after the moment he had given me his jacket.

But I was sure of one thing. The boy in leather jacket had rescued me.

There and then, I had vowed to look for that guy and to return his leather jacket to him. I had also wanted to treat him to a meal and to maybe get him to tell me about what had happened the rest of that night.

But it wasn't easy to find him. It was like the guy disappeared from the earth's surface.

Grace had told me to ask the guys from our school since the party had been thrown by one of them and even with her help, all our search had proven futile.

It was after a week of searching and looking for who the mystery boy is that a guy had approached me.

With an easygoing smile, he said he had noticed that I was looking for someone and he might be able to help.

I knew him as one of my classmates, just a cute guy that most of my other classmates want to associate with and so I had accepted his offer to help.

And in the end, I had found out that he was the owner of the jacket.

We became friends then together with Grace and I ended up developing a crush on him.

It was meant to be one-sided, I definitely wasn't expecting him to like me in return, but he had suddenly confessed his feelings for me on the last day of school last term, telling me he had liked me for a while and the reason he was so scared to ask me to be his girlfriend was because he has seen me reject the advances of many others.

And when he had asked if he was also going to face the same fate as the rest of them, I couldn't answer.

I neither accepted to be his girlfriend nor rejected him. Yeah I liked him, but I just couldn't say yes. He doesn't even know how I feel about him but being the sweet person he is, he had asked me to think about it through the two weeks' vacation we were to have after that day.

He even said he wouldn't contact me during that period so I wouldn't be influenced by his words or actions. And now that two weeks has passed since he asked me out, which was certainly enough time to have thought about it, I'm still undecided.

Why? Because I'm a hopeless romantic.

I strongly believe in finding your soulmate, falling in love with him and living with him happily ever after.

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