Chapter 59

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Hi, everyone!!!

How are you all doing? It's been a while. Actually, it's been more than a while and I believe you guys deserve an apology. So I write this with utter remorse while begging for forgiveness.

I went on a hiatus without telling you guys beforehand and that's really bad. The next update after the last chapter wasn't supposed to be this long. I got stuck on that chapter and then got carried away with happenings in my life. Being a nursing student is very demanding.

But here I am, finally, with this chapter and two others as part of my apology. Actually, I was going to make it five chapters but I am stuck on the fourth chapter again. Not to worry though, I promise it's not going to take a year before the next update again.

To everyone who sent a message and left messages on my message board, thank you very much. Y'all made me determined to start this book again.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and the rest.

Thank you for sticking around 🤗🥰

P.S.: You might have to read the previous chapters again to understand.


Chapter Fifty Eight


The bell for lunch rings and the Civic Education teacher leaves the class after leaving an assignment for each student to write fifty government organizations and their acronyms.

I'm still busy writing the assignment from the board when I notice John looming over my desk.

What does he want now?

I ignore him, making sure to finish writing the assignment in my book hoping he will be gone when I am done. I then glance up to see that he's still standing next to my desk, looking unsure.

"Yes?" I finally say, raising an eyebrow at him. He smiles hesitantly at me.

"Can I walk you down to the cafeteria?"

"No." I reply without thinking about it.

"I just feel it will be better for us to walk down together so if anyone plans on approaching you, the person will think twice." He insists.

I roll my eyes at his reason, knowing he is just making up excuses. If he thinks I will take his fake kindness all because I agreed to go on that date with him, he is very mistaken.

"Look here, John. Just because I said yes to going on the date with you doesn't mean I have forgotten how you deceived me for more than two years. If you are even a tiny bit remorseful, you shouldn't try to be having conversations with me until you have told me exactly why you decided to lie to me and kept it going."

I watch his face fall as I complete my words but I am not moved at all. Not a bit. If he's thinking of gaining pity, it's not going to work.

As I stand to leave my seat and subsequently the classroom, I find that most of the students left in class are all watching me warily. I begin to wonder if it has anything to do with my date with Michael yesterday or my conversation with John. Whatever the case may be, it's their problem to deal with.


I heave a sigh of relief at the familiar voice and glance at the window to find Grace looking at me with a smile.

"Ready to go have lunch?" She asks, beaming and I nod in response, returning her smile.

I nudge John who is still standing beside my desk out of the way and quickly walk outside to meet Grace.

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