Chapter 31

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Chapter Thirty One


I can feel her eyes on me after I have said those words but I don't turn to look at her.

I already know what she must be thinking right now, about how she had no idea that I had gone through stuff like that but I don't want her sympathy or pity. I've never wanted it from anyone. That's why people don't know a lot about me, even my friends and I would rather keep it that way.

But what had prompt me to tell her that bit of information about me?

"I'm so, so sorry. I had no idea." She says, her voice laced with guilt.

I almost chuckle at her response. She shouldn't be sorry. Everything that had happened was my fault and not hers. And no matter how much I might have been punished for it by my dad, it can never take away the weight of what I had done.

I was the one who wanted a younger sibling.

"It's okay. It happened a very long time ago." I reply with a small smile. She's still watching me and I really want to know what she is thinking. I don't ask though and she doesn't say anything anymore so we continue to walk in silence.

I decide to break the silence.

"Tell me one thing about you that I don't know." I ask of her. It's only fair that she tells me a secret of hers after I just told her mine. Well, maybe it isn't because she didn't ask me to tell her and I just did. But I just really need to change the topic.

I glance at her and see her think about what she wants to say. She doesn't have to think hard though, I will gladly listen to anything she says.

"I can do taekwondo."


I wasn't really expecting that but that's really surprising. Or maybe not so much.

"I don't know if you can remember because it happened back in JSS2 but I got bullied a lot back then. I didn't even know I was being bullied then, I just couldn't understand why everyone was acting that way towards me. One day, someone had stuck a leg out on my way passing and I had fallen down, injuring my arm. I remember being very sad about that and Nanny had noticed it as soon as I got home. When she asked about what happened and I told her, she decided then and there that I should learn some sort of defence to kick the butts of people who trouble me and so I learnt taekwondo." She explains.

I know I have a wide smile on my face but I can't help being impressed as I learn how she had finally managed gotten Dorcas and her friends to leave her alone.

"I had no idea. No wonder, you are so fierce." I tease with a smile and she rolls her eyes. "I guess I should never try to mess with you."

"Yeah, or you get a high kick." She replies without hesitation and I chuckle.

I will really love to see her fight someone with her skills. I can totally imagine her looking so badass and it only fuels whatever it is that is making my heart all weird.

"I know what I just told you doesn't compare to what you told me but I want you to know that I'm really sorry for your loss." She says with a small smile and squeezes my hand.

I ignore the tingling feeling that works its way through my body as the softness of her palm presses against mine. I shouldn't be thinking about that right now.

"It's okay. You had a pretty rough childhood too." I reply, squeezing hers in return.

She removes her hand from mine and we continue to walk in silence.

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