Chapter 26

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I know it is a late update. But it's better late than never, right?

Sorry for the length in advance.

Happy reading!!


Chapter Twenty Six


The bell for lunch rings and the teacher leaves the class. I pack my books into my bag immediately and stand up to meet Grace.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Michael asks as I stand up.

"I was unable to talk to Grace this morning. I want to meet her quickly." I explain and then wonder why I'm even explaining to him.

"Let's go together." He suggests and I give him a grave look.

"I thought you decided that you won't be following us to the cafeteria anymore after last time." I remind him and he gives me an amused look.

"Of course not. I had to change my mind because of something that I needed to sort out that day but that doesn't mean I can't follow you another day." He explains with a smile.

I stare intently at him, not hiding my curiosity. He still hasn't mentioned anything about why he left like that and I'll be lying if I say I didn't want to know the reason.

"Did it have something to do with me running into Peter? The reason you left like that?" I ask without really expecting him to answer it.

He stops smiling but replies, "Yes, it had to do with him but thankfully, you didn't run into him today so there won't be any need to change my mind." I wonder if he added the last part as a joke.

I glare at him and he stares right back. I see the determined look on his face and know there is no way I'm going to persuade him to change his mind.

Suddenly, I get an idea.

I don't care if I end up looking silly after doing what I want to do but if it will help in changing his mind, I'm definitely giving it a try. He is staring at me with interest now, probably wondering what is going on in my mind and then I decide that catching him unaware might be a big aid to my plan.

I breathe in and out deeply and lift my lips in the widest smile I can muster and then with a very sweet voice, I speak, "Michael, please, can you not follow me and Grace to the cafeteria and just go with your friends?"

I wince after I'm done talking and realize with utter disgust that I had sounded so much like Dorcas when she is trying to speak in a sweet voice to him.

Which brings me to this question. Does she not hear herself when she talks?

I look down at Michael and see that he is grinning down at me and I blink confusingly at him, wondering if it worked or not. That's when he bursts into laughter.

The remainder of the students in the class is throwing us curious looks and I can't help noticing that John is one of them.

I try to make eye contact with him but he looks away and I realize with guilt that I had hardly thought of him over the weekend. I never returned his call or texted him back.

'You can't blame yourself for that, so much happened over the weekend.' I tell myself resolutely and nod. I was preoccupied and that was why I didn't think of him. I will definitely talk to him later.

"Nice try, Cynthia but acting all cute isn't going to stop me from coming to the cafeteria with you." Michael continues with an amused smile, bringing me out of my reverie and I frown. "And just so you know, Femi, Wole and Peter are probably making their way to our class so they can also come with us to the cafeteria." He adds.

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