Chapter 29

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Compliments of the season, everyone 🥰.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!


Chapter Twenty Nine


I'm lying on my bed at night, chatting with John on WhatsApp.

I don't have many friends in school meaning I don't have many contacts on my phone and also meaning I don't have much frequent chats except with Grace and John.

The only messages that are presently entering my phone apart from John's are from the school's WhatsApp group and I'm still a trending topic for discussion. Ever since the first time I had slapped Michael on the face which seems like it has happened a really long time when it's only two weeks ago, I have never stopped being a topic of discussion in the group and now the subject is the verbal exchange between Dorcas and I at the cafeteria this afternoon.

I discover she has more support from the guys than the girls and it isn't surprising. They are probably supporting her so they can be in favour with her which I'm sure is next to impossible because she is still fixated on Michael.

John and I have been chatting about general stuffs before we slowly begin to talk about our families. And I'm only just discovering that I know next to nothing about his family.

On the other hand, there is nothing that I can tell him about my family that he doesn't already know, well, because there's really not a lot to say about them.

And now that he is surprisingly being open about his own family, I learn a lot about them. I learn that he is living with his father, mother, a sister and a stepbrother.

I get a bit confused about the stepbrother because both of his parents seem to be his biological one, then I realise it's probably a child his father had with another woman or his mother had with another man. I don't ask him about it though and he doesn't explain further too.

Soon enough, I start to feel sleepy.

I'm not getting bored but the time is 11:55pm and I have to sleep because, well, there is school tomorrow and I would rather not fall asleep during classes.

Me: Is it okay if we just talk tomorrow. I'm beginning to feel sleepy.

John: Lol. I didn't realize it was already late. I guess talking to you made it that way.

Me: Yeah, I guess.

John: Let's just talk tomorrow then.

Me: Yes, let's just talk tomorrow. Good night and sleep tight with sweet dreams.

John: I'll definitely be having sweet dreams of you.

I don't know what to text to that so I reply with an awkward lol.

John: Good night and sleep tight with sweet dreams. I love you.

He texts and then go offline.

I read through the message and yawn, ready to finally go to bed when my eyes catch something.

Wait, is that the l-word?

I close and open my eyes to make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me. Suddenly, I'm no longer feeling sleepy but wide awake.

Did he just say he loves me?

He loves me?!

Okay, maybe he just said that because he felt it was necessary.

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