Chapter 53

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Guess who? 🥰😉🤗

So... I've finally discovered a pattern in my updates and I've decided that I'm just going to go with it.

Updating twice a week isn't promised anymore so I will be updating on Wednesdays instead.

A long chapter as usual but it's not edited.

Happy reading!!!


Chapter Fifty Three


"Michael, why don't you just call her and ask her to meet you outside?"

Kunle meets my gaze in the rearview mirror and sighs when he sees the glare that I'm directing towards him.

We've only been waiting in front of Cynthia's house for around thirty minutes and he is already complaining.

I know she's not in the house so there's no use in calling her to meet me. But if I don't see her here in the next ten minutes, I'm asking Kunle to drive to Peter's house whether they are there or not.

I don't know the game Peter is playing at but I'm 100% sure he is up to no good. Letting Cynthia know and understand that is just the problem.

I won't deny the fact that I'm relieved by the fact that the date I'll be having with Cynthia is now certain.

The only issue that I have with all of this is that the truth I had decided to tell her on our date is getting compromised. And it's all Peter's fault.

Now I can't even tell her about what Peter has proposed that day concerning her because of his stubbornness.

Which brings me to the confusion on why he doesn't want me to tell her about his proposition in the first place.

What's his deal?

The sight of Peter's white jeep stopping in front of Cynthia's house puts a halt to my thoughts and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Cynthia get down with nothing out of place.

Well, except the fact that she's putting on his clothes!

Why the hell is his clothes on her body?!

I get down from the car, ready to throw hands at Peter if he had done something to Cynthia but his jeep drives off as soon as I close the door.

"Son of a bitch." I curse at him then begin to approach Cynthia. Kunle tries to come with me but I simply shake my head to stop him.

"Cynthia!" I call her name, not wanting her to enter the house before I get to her.

She pauses but doesn't look back. Then she shakes her head as if she had concluded that she's hearing things and continues towards the gate.

"Cynthia!" I call again and she stops. She shivers a little and I wonder if she's cold. Why is she in his clothes when they aren't even thick ones.

She turns around and stares uncertainly in my direction, probably wondering why I'm in front of her house. I continue to approach her until I'm right in front of her and she's staring up at me.

Without saying a word, I pull off the thick jacket I'm wearing and place it on her shoulders. Satisfied that she has my clothe on her body too.

She starts to smile at me but it freezes on her face after noticing that I'm still not happy about this whole situation.

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