Chapter 50

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Hi, there 🤗

So this chapter was kind of hard to write  but I'm sure most of you will like it because we are finally about to learn some things about Peter.

And they are not happy things 😢.

This chapter might not totally clear your confusions about him but it should be on the way to clearing it.

This chapter is not edited.

Happy reading!!!


Chapter Fifty


Seeing someone as calm and collected as Peter coming so undone like this makes me so sad that I have to blink back the tears in my eyes.

What could have happened to him?

I let him continue to cry in my arms for as long as he wants and I rub his back soothingly, letting him know that I'm still here with him.

When he is no longer crying but sniffling, he releases me then raises his head from my body to look at me. He quickly looks away, cleaning his tears with his hands.

"I'm so sorry that you saw me that way. That wasn't meant to happen." He says, turning his back to me.

"Are you embarrassed because you were crying like a baby in front of a girl?" I ask in the hope of making him laugh and smile satisfactorily when he snickers.

"Maybe." He replies and turns to me.

His eyes are now swollen and red rimmed but there aren't tears there any longer.

"Do I look like I just cried?" He asks and I smile before nodding.

"Can I use your bathroom?" He asks again and I nod and point him towards it. He hurries into it and I go back to sitting on my bed. Soon, he comes outside and I notice that he has splashed water on his face to make himself look less weary or whatever reason he might have thought of.

"I know you are wondering why I broke down in front of you." He mentions when he is sitting in front of me again.

"Yes, I am. I know it's probably bad and you might not want to tell me what it's about, but a problem shared is half-solved." I give him a reassuring smile.

"You know, I think I know why I just really wanted to see you all of a sudden. I needed the tears. I needed to cry." He replies, smiling sadly.

"Well, I'm honoured that you thought of me."

"Would it be too much if I asked you to follow me somewhere?" He asks, his voice hopeful.

I raise an eyebrow, "Why are we going somewhere?"

"Because the place has to do with why I'm sad and bothered right now."

I glance at the door, knowing Grace is going to enter at any minute, followed closely by Michael, and they are both going to demand I follow them to school. But I'm sure they will understand if I tell them that Peter needs me.

I guess I'm not going to the sport's competition today after all. As relieved as I am, I can't help feeling anxious too. Following Peter somewhere alone for the first time sounds a bit unnerving.

"I could really use a friend." He adds quietly in persuasion when he notices my hesitation.

I find myself nodding before I reply, "Sure, I would be your friend in this time of need."

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