Part 5:New Quirks

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The air has turned cold by now. Me and Nana had already left home and into the city in search of quirks that would suit me specifically from villains.

I always disliked the term 'villians' for it is too broad or vague. You see, if a villain is someone who causes harm with their quirk intentionally they are deemed bad and a villain. This of course I agree to. If I used my charged Air Cannon on a civilian, I would in turn be a villain and a murderer.

Quirks have different types of effects on their users. For example, my quirk gives that feeling to take a quirk or destroy something. These effects are different from person to person and can influence how they act, speak, think and feel.

Quirk mutations are also in this group of effects for it can change how one appears like maybe the appearance of a dog for a head.

If an effect is too unstable or too much for you to bear and the individual loses control of their quirk they are labeled as a villain.

I don't want to point fingers but All Might has really made things worse. I do not care for those who intentionally use their quirks for selfish gain but when the weak minded develop a strong quirk that it too much, they get put down and thrown into prison. All Might's presence seems to have increased the number of the wrongfully convicted troubled individuals and as a result, they are packed into out prisons.

If they would just help those who lose control then throwing them away and keeping the ones whose quirk effects bareful influences themselves then we may have stronger heroes on the streets to get rid of the truly evil villains and make Japan 100 percent crimefree.

Night in the city is colorful with its lights and other aspects gives the area a safe feel which blesses those at the bottom with ignorant bliss. This is also a problem with the hero society, that it throws over a blanket upon the shadows that the very same light from the cities emit. If an average person would make a right turn into an ally, they will surely, 7 out of 10 times, find a crime in progress.

This ignorance in the people will only increase and diminish the natural human nature of self preservation. I'm sure you're aware of the quirk laws where it is illegal to use your quirks without having a 'hero' license. You'll have to go through more years to just get permission to protect yourself or someone else. That crime in that ally could've been stopped by using your quirk, but because of the law all you could do is wath, call for help, or just ignore it.

It's sad how many good people have lost their lives or loved one simply because they couldn't use their quirk. Villains have adapted to the times since All Might's debut and have accordingly adjusted their plans. If only All Might were dead about 4 years ago, we wouldn't be where we are right now.

Well, enough rambling, back to the story.

"Um, Mom..where are we going?"

"To catch bad guys of course. Now what kind of quirks would you like?"

I am currently on Mother's back as she hops from roof to roof.

"Um, when you ask like that, it sounds like you already have some options for me to choose from mom"

"Ah ha, well, I may have done some scouting before I arrived back home"

She was wearing her old hero costume even with the cape, while I just wore a black vest, black baggy pants, black tennis shoes and a black mask like Madara's.

What I'm looking for in quirks are one of each. Defensive, support and offensive. My Air Cannon was great in offense and open-long transportation but it was not so practical for casual sparring with my classmates.

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