14G (Hacker! AU)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

I didn't think I would make it here. It makes me laugh. Maybe I'll even see Kacchan at some point. I grin evilly. This will be fun. Hopefully, he stays away from me. I think I scared him enough last year that he will. I frown. Actually, I didn't scare him. Nezu did. He threatened to never allow anyone from the school entry into UA if UA had any evidence that they were a bully. That was hilarious. I remember all of their faces when Nezu walked in. All of the teachers and staff that didn't stop or encouraged their behavior got fired. It was great. Hopefully, that won't happen here.

And, I end up in Principal Nezu's office an hour into the day. Seriously. It's not my fault that the general education teacher is so obviously biased towards quirks. I can't wait to meet All Might. He is going to hate me. Nezu doesn't even bother to offer us anything and, instead, turns to the earlier referred teacher. For Nezu being like an uncle to me, he is insanely bad at telling when his teachers are bad. He really should know after how much I've told him about bad teachers.

I sigh as the two get into a discussion. I don't care to listen. I hum to myself lightly, praying for a day when I will stay around a living, a human adult figure that is a decent person. I smile sadly at that. I had one once. She's amazing but is no longer here. This is when Nezu met me. When I was on the streets with a computer solving missing people cases. He had me live with him after less than two weeks of us knowing each other. He expects me to be able to take care of myself, but he takes care of me even so. That's why he is like an uncle. He isn't a new parent, but he is kind enough to care for me.

I tune back in after my name is mentioned.

"Izuku has been horrible in class so far. He threatened a student as well. In front of me!" I grin. Nice. This must mean I already have a reputation stating 'Stay far away'. That's good. The fewer people around me, the better. Although the teacher's complaints aren't entirely off, I blame them. Who watches a student threaten injury to another student and then refuses to do anything until the threatened student threatens them back.

"Since you seem so sure, is it alright if I watch the footage of the event?" Nezu asks them. Ooh, drama. Nezu seems mad. This will be fun. I go to the microwave and pull a bag of popcorn from nowhere. For someone without a quirk, I'm amazing at that. I put it into the microwave and grab two bowls. I watch the popcorn until it is done and separate it evenly. Nezu gets one and I get one. The teacher looks like someone just stopped them from being a horrible human being; oh, wait, they did. It takes everything in me not to laugh. I probably should care more that Nezu will believe him, but I'm over worrying about that in my life. The teacher's face is pale. Nezu must have backed them into a corner with the whole security camera thing. They then return to normal. They must have some sort of evil plan. Bwahahaha. Nezu notices it too. Glad I'm not the only one. Nezu gets another teacher into the room. This one looks annoyed, grumpy, and tired, but also trustworthy. Huh. Haven't seen that before. The teacher barely looks at me before turning back to Nezu. Nezu explains the situation. Eraserhead looks confused. He must realize how odd it is that Nezu hasn't asked for my side of the story yet. The tired caterpillar just nods anyways, going with what is being said.

We all enter the security room. I grab another bowl and add some popcorn to it for Aizawa-sensei. I wonder why Nezu chooses him to bring here. Despite him being my favorite underground hero, there seems to be no purpose for this. The teacher stares at me for a second before sighing and taking the popcorn with a small "thanks." I smile. I'm glad he accepted.

Nezu goes to pull up the day's footage. The general teacher starts to use their quirk. I tell Nezu this. Nezu tells Eraserhead to stop the teacher from using their quirk. Too bad. The footage has already been altered. I just sigh and roll my eyes, finally understanding why Nezu is making me sit through all of this. I'm the only one that can get him proof. The footage just plays a song with a blank screen on the computer in the room. I go to a different computer in the room and get to typing. Everyone watches me, I can feel it.

"It's rude to stare, you know." Nezu cackles at my statement. I can feel the general teacher's frown and Eraserhead's hidden smile. Too bad so sad for those two, I've lived in too many environments where I needed to read everything and everyone for my basic needs.

"What are you even doing? You shouldn't be messing with the computers like that. You're lucky Principal Nezu hasn't already had you expelled!" the general teacher huffs out. I almost laugh. That's a good one. They still think they're getting away with this. Because messing with the evidence is proof of innocence. I roll my eyes. The only reason I even need this is so the poor expelled kids' parents have their reasoning, as does the rest of the world. The teacher makes a move towards me. I don't turn around. I start typing faster.

To my surprise, Eraserhead is the one that stops them. "You really shouldn't attempt to attack a kid, ever, but especially if Nezu is mainly letting them do as they please."

The teacher only then realizes they might be in trouble. They step as far away from me as possible while still in the room. I relax, finally having the video pulled up. Getting around a quirk like that makes the whole thing harder. You have to leave the quirk alone but still get what is needed.

The video pulls up, showing the teacher watching as some of the other students threaten me. Then, I threaten them back.

"Good job, Izuku. Now, let me clarify some things for your old teacher. One, teaches do not refer to a student by their first name without permission." Huh, I didn't even realize they did that. That's very rude no matter who it is. "Two, you do not let bullying slide. Three, you do not make a kid go to the principal's office for defending themselves without real harm being done to them. Four, you, at the very least, ask for both sides. In this case, there was no need for that since it is clear you were listening from the beginning. Five, you no longer have a job here or in any job relating to kids or being kind to others."

That was fun. Nezu always knows how to make my days better. "He's the kid?" Aizawa-sensei asks Nezu.

"He's the kid," Nezu agrees. I wonder when he talked about me to Eraserhead.

I turn around, grab the now empty bowls, and place them into a dishwasher that was in Nezu's office. I turn off the computers in the security room and go to leave.

"Izuku, meet Eraserhead." Nezu's words make me turn around. I bow my head lightly, showing respect.

"Hello, Aizawa-sensei." The mentioned man smiles at me, for once not hiding it.

"He will be your new teacher for the coming years. I know you want to work with the government, not in heroics, but I still think his class will be the best fit for you." I nod at the creature, trusting his judgment. Nezu ends up leaving before I do as Eraserhead formally introduces himself.

"Hello, Midoriya. I guess I'm your teacher now," the man grumbles out making me laugh slightly.

Once more, I go to the door. I get stopped by a hand holding the door shut. I look up to the teacher, trying to see what he is doing.

"I'm adopting you," is what I hear before being picked up and brought to my new class. Okay, I guess.

A/N (Not Necessary): Thank you so much for the reads, votes, and comments. Love you all! Have a great day!

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