32R (Erasure's Unofficial Vigilante)

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Credit to the artist!

Dadzawa Third POV

The (not-really-arguably) best underground hero runs across the rooftops, looking for anything out of the ordinary. It has been a long day for the man. He just expelled his whole class earlier in the day. They would not be able to survive well in the real heroics world. And now, he has to teach the other years until people either get moved to his class or Nezu stops being manic to him. He hears a commotion and runs towards the noise.

To his shock, he comes across a vigilante that has escaped many people and heroes many times. They are in a dark outfit, hiding their face and hair. They fight using weapons in hidden places around the outfit. No one has heard them speak. Their gender, their quirk, and their private information is unknown. The only thing not unknown is that they are assumed to be a kid.

He is surprised to see them tonight. As far as he is aware, they aren't typically out on these days. This is one of the two days of the week they have never been out before. Could they be one of the students expelled from my class today?

Instead of fighting the young vigilante, Eraser decides to watch. After seeing the way the kid handles the situation, he easily figures that it could not be one of the students. Hopefully, his expelled kids are doing better now that they see what their bad attitudes can lead to.

The person calls the cops and waits with the victim until they arrive. They check once more to make sure the person is knocked out before feeling from the scene. They watch from a different roof than Eraser's. They don't leave until the victim is taken.

Eraserhead appreciates that they take care of the victim. When he looks back up to the vigilante, he sees the kid motioning for him to follow. Out of curiosity and with a job to do, he follows.

He is led to a group of younger children. They run to the vigilante. "Aahir!" They all hug them. Eraser is pleased to hear some form of a name, although he is almost certain that is not their real name. That is more than they had previously.

"Who is he?" One of the kids points in Eraserhead's direction. Eraser's eyes widen. Is he getting a vigilante name and hearing the kid speak in the same night?

"That is Eraserhead. I'm gonna see if he can help you. Is that okay with you all?" The group of ten or so kids seems to get excited by the answer and agree quickly. The man with a scarf groans lightly, knowing the rest of his night is going to be spent getting the kids to safety. The vigilante, Aahir, had a voice modifier on as well. Aahir moves towards him. The kids are still excitedly watching.

"I can lead you to the best places for them, but you need to be the one at the door with them. There are four places that I would feel work the best." The voice is soft, even with the modifier. "Remember, kids, if you don't like where you end up, you should come back to this general area or find me if you need to. You can also look for other heroes like Eraser. And if you can't find any underground heroes, I have some pictures of good well-known heroes to go to." The kids all nod, seemingly having heard this before. Aahir makes noise before handing out the picture packets to the kids.

The night passes in no time for Eraser. He goes after Aahir the second they are done with the kids, but the vigilante blends in too well and manages to get away.

"Hey, Tsukauchi, I gained a little information about the young vigilante." There are a lot of startled noises coming from the other end of the phone, causing Eraser's smile.

The next time Eraserhead sees Aahir, he is searching for a location of a gang based on the hint they were given. It warned of killing people, missing people, including kids, making it a top priority. Sadly, no one knew the exact location, so they have people out searching. When Eraser notices Aahir, they have about an hour left until the note warned it began. Aahir makes the follow motion again. Eraser shakes his head at Aahir. He needs to be looking for the place.

"Eraser?" Aahir's voice calls out.

"What, kid? I need to find a... spot. I don't have the time right now, sorry."

"No, I need you to follow because I know the location." Eraser's head snaps towards the kid. When they jump away, the tired man sighs and follows, praying they are telling the truth.

They arrive at a location. Eraser gets led to a perch from which they can see into an abandoned building. There are the missing people surrounded by a large number of people with various weapons, including guns. Everyone is moving around. It makes sense why Aahir didn't go in alone. What doesn't make sense is that he sought out Eraserhead to give them the spot.

"Thanks, kid. I'll get people here." Aahir just nods and waits with the man. He joins in the fray when it starts. All of the victims get out with minimum injuries. Everyone turned out okay as well due to Aahir protecting them while they performed the mission.

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