64AQ (Fairy! AU)

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Credit to the artist! (BTW, there is some really cure art if you Google fairy Midoriya) (Google says Blues Draws on Tumblr)

Third POV

In this world, everyone is and has always been born with wings. Wings may be of different types but almost also look like a bug's. Sometimes, however, these wings take damage and a person might not be able to fly any longer. Most people get some sort of small ability with their wings, usually unnoticeable. The strongest ability to ever be recorded was one that made a fairy turn invisible at random times. It is a trait that is passed through many generations of the family in which the mutation started.

A young fairy, named Izuku, is best friends with another fairy, Katsuki. Katsuki's ability allows him to withstand heat better than most. Izuku does not have an ability, but because it is not such an important part of society, most people assume his ability has something to do with his mind. How else could someone be so smart after all?

Izuku's wings are colorful pastel bee wings that looked like they were mixed with butterfly wings as well. Katsuki's wings are yellow that fade into red. They resemble wasp wings, even though Katsuki always denies it.

They prepare together to go to the most prestigious academy for fairies their age, the United Academy, called UA for short. Izuku has been wanting to go for a long time, having idolized many people to come out of it and go into law enforcement.

Izuku's sharp mind and agile body allowed him to qualify as he evacuated an area for the exam. He was meant to stop the robots acting as criminals, but he let the other people testing with him get most of the criminals instead, figuring out how to stop the bare minimum of criminals before time ran out.

Katsuki's cleverness and strong and fast movements allowed him to qualify. He focused on hunting down criminals, but he did evacuate the "citizens" when their "lives" were in immediate danger. He got second place only to Izuku, who was unprepared to get first.

Of course, their smarts let them ace the other portions of the exam.

They walk up to the classroom together, their wings fluttering in anticipation. "Welcome, to your fairy academia," says a tired-looking purple-haired kid from the back of the room as their classmates were yelling at each other and catching fire.

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