84BH (Birds of A Feather...)

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Izuku finds himself in a bit of a predicament. He was at the mall and leaving when a group of people walked up to him.

"Hey, Squirt. Whatcha got there?" Izuku panics, looking for a way out of the situation. There was none. Instead, nine guys stood in a circle around him in the mall's parking lot.

"No-nothing yo-ou would be in-inter-erested in, Sir." Izuku could feel his anxiety rise. The men surrounding him laughed.

"Do you hear this one?" The guy on the left of the guy directly in front of Izuku asks before making his voice higher. "No-nothing y-you w-would b-be," he mocks. "Ha! I cannot even get through a full sentence like that." This statement makes the guys laugh again. Izuku moves his hand to his pocket and presses the emergency button his dad, Shōta, got for him.

"Oooh, look at his shoes," a guy somewhere behind Izuku commands.

"Well, well, well. It seems we have a quirkless one here folks." The one directly in front of Izuku starts to walk closer to him. Izuku jumps. Everyone sniggers at him until they see the wings sprouting from his back.

"I thought you said he was quirkless!" A guy yelled, causing all of the voices to go into an uproar. Izuku uses the opportunity to get as far away as his wings would take him. Once he gets to a nearby roof, he settles down again and studies his wings.

The wings themselves seem to be brown. They are easy to hide but not-so-easy to take care of. That is why his dad always helps him with it. If he looks past the dye, Izuku can see parts of the rainbow sticking through. He knows that it really starts at green and then fades into blue, which fades into orange, which fades into yellow, which fades into red. He hates that he has to hide them, but he wants to protect his family just as much as his family wants to protect him.

"Izuku. Are you okay?" Izuku sniffs, letting the situation finally catch up to him as his dad's safe presence kicks in.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry you had to come here and take their memories for me."

"I will always be here for you, Izuku. Remember the saying?"

"Bird of a feather..." Izuku trails off.

"Stick together," Shōta finishes. His dad hugs him and he melts, sobbing as his dad gets them home.

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