39V (Extra- Compliment Out of A Kidnapping)

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Credit to the artist! (And my readers! <3)

Narrator POV

As the narrator, I can confirm for the green-poofy-haired boy that he did not intend to get kidnapped or speak after being kidnapped. I can also confirm that he failed at both of those things. The good news is that it helped him get away. The bad news is that he did get kidnapped, a fact the staff at UA cannot ignore. They also cannot ignore the people that hang around the child after his return. Luckily for them, we are going back in time.

It all started as a normal day for Midoriya. He went on his morning run, went back to the dorms, grabbed breakfast, went to classes, and went to bed. So, when the clock hits 11:59 PM, he isn't particularly surprised to see his alarm clock stating the time or the villains in his room. Although it is not exactly appreciated, he can understand the universe won't let him have a day off. Sucks for him, but good for plot convenience. And people, isn't that all this story is?

He made a promise to himself to stay quiet when he got kidnapped, so he certainly does not know why he starts mumbling. He probably curses that habit, but it makes for such good situations. Anyhow, all the villains can hear is this light voice going, "Wow, they used such a strong tape. Also, the knots are so weird and yet some of the most complex I have seen. I wonder if Toga had something to do with it. She seems like the type of person to tie people up. Shigaraki must have gotten the depressants and it is so cool that Kurogiri can teleport people to and from specific places. Too bad they are all villains their skills would be useful. Welp, I'm already on this train of thought, so Dabi's quirk is so cool! And he seems like the type to be smart. Most of them seem pretty smart. It sucks that people with tragic backstories sometimes end up becoming villains. Wait, Kota would have made a great villain in that case. Would I have made a good villain? Nah, I would accidentally tell someone everything." And so he continues, sprinkling in compliments about different aspects of each villains' personality, why they are cool for the use of their quirks, and the quirks themselves.

"Woah, kid slow down," Dabi says when he realizes the kid isn't going to stop. To be fair, that information dumb was probably ruining their minds. Who compliments villains, on accident or purpose? I would never even imagine writing something like that.

"Hey, kid? You got any ideas for me?" comes the voice of the gamer boy himself. Midoriya slowly turns towards him and blushes bright red.

"Ohmykami! I am so sorry. I know I go off into rambles. I am sorry if it was creepy. Iamnotusedtotalkingsomuchwhensomanypeoplecanactuallyunderstandme! Pleaseforigvememistershigi!" The kid gets up and bows down while apologizing. Everyone stares shocked. It is Shigaraki who first reacts, though.

"Um, kid. That is not what I asked for."

"Let me make it up to you." Out of nowhere, the child pulls out some artist's gloves and itch cream. He then hands burn cream to Dabi, takes a little bit of his blood for Toga and puts it in a bag while brewing tea to give to the other members of the league.

"Can we keep him?" asks the voice of, surprisingly, Kurogiri. After he is sure everyone is at least okay with their items and him, he pulls out a notebook and starts a mutter storm that no one can follow. At least a third of the room is confused at watching him pull out stuff from nowhere and seemingly teleport out of the confinements he was in. To his credit, he doesn't even seem to notice.

"No, but we might be able to follow him. If we put on disguises, maybe we can visit him in UA!" Toga, surprising a lot of the group with her words. They all shrug. May as well.

To be fair, Nezu knows they are there and doesn't do anything the majority of the time. Once or twice, he sets up a game for them.

"Hey! Kid!" Dabi calls out one day from the couch in the dorms.


"You're really smart, you know. You even managed to connect me to the flaming trash."

"I appreciate the thought, but I only know so much because I study under Nezu. I am sure anyone with the same opportunities as me could figure it out."

"Are you trying to say I'm dumb?" Dabi has learned some of the ways of the Midoriya. And so, he begins the mission.

"No! I would never!"

"But I'm not as smart as you, and you are saying anyone with any kind of intellect could be as smart as you."

"Wait! No! That's not what I meant!" It takes a bit more arguing for it to work, but Dabi is the first one in the league with the satisfaction of getting Midoriya to accept a compliment.

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