35S (JSL: Sign Language)

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Credit to the artist!

Third POV

Present Mic (Yamada) was having a bad day. As his husband, Aizawa was also having a bad day. He was running around trying to help his husband with his classes and find hearing aids. Yamada could function without them, with being able to hear loud noises faintly, like the bell, but it isn't preferable. Aizawa leaves his homeroom quickly after the period is over, looking for any sign of Yamada or his hearing aids. Unbeknownst to him, Midoriya was wanting to ask him a question about one of the assignments. And so begins the journey of Midoriya trying to find his teacher.

Around lunch, Midoriya knocks on the staffroom door. Midnight's (Kayama's) voice calls for him to enter. He is looking forward to Yamada's class after the lunch period. He can only hope he is in a better mood than the rumors are suggesting.

"Sorry, but I have got to go right now," Kayama says before abandoning him to the room after winking. He is used to her antics and just nods.

To his surprise, the only person in the room is Yamada. He frowns when the teacher doesn't notice him. "Yamada-sensei?" He tries. This gets no response. Midoriya slowly approaches his teacher, trying to grab his attention.

When Midoriya lays his hand on his sensei's desk in his field of vision, the man looks up. He jumps up, a smile already being forced onto his face. "Hi!"

Midoriya doesn't speak, prompting Yamada to grab a piece of paper to write on. What do you need, Little Listener?

Instead of answering, Midoriya writes down, You know sign, right? The man nods, slight hope showing on his face.

I was looking for Aizawa-sensei, Midoriya answers the original question in sign, spelling out Aizawa-sensei. I wanted to ask about an assignment. He continues to communicate in sign language, somehow managing to ramble in it as well. When he cuts himself off, finally noticing how long he had been going without a response, he looks up to see Yamada smiling a ton at him.

I don't know where Aizawa (sign name: sign cat, coffee, and love). It is amazing how good you are at signing, though. When did you learn?

I taught myself when I was younger. I adore quirks and I wanted to make sure I could communicate with anyone. Koda also prefers to sign over speaking sometimes, so a lot of our class has been learning.

They spend the rest of the lunch period signing to each other. The bell rings, but neither party hears it, too busy caught up in the conversation to notice even a faint noise. Midoriya's class worries about the absence of their teacher and classmate, so Iida gets Aizawa to try and find them. The man sighs and heads to the staff room, hoping that at least his husband will be there. He was not expecting to see the missing duo in sign conversation. A faint smile shows up on his face. He walks back to the classroom and informs the class that they will be a few minutes.

Midoriya apologizes profusely to both teachers when he finds out they missed part of their class, but Yamada is too happy to care and Aizawa won't even acknowledge his apologies. He feels bad until he notices his teachers' somewhat fond expressions. He can barely see Aizawa's expression, mainly noticing his relaxed posture and lightly crinkled eyes. Let's just say he turns a bright red when Aizawa looks at him, noticing his gaze.

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