37U (Medical Intern)

650 22 2

Credit to the artist!

(I apologize in advance for the failing medical terminology.)

Third POV

"So you are just going to let her die?!!" A green-haired doctor(?), intern(?) shouts at his superior.

"Do you have a better solution?" The older male raises an eyebrow at the boy.

"YES! Please just get me two people and I can make this work." The man pauses and then sighs and nods.

"Fine. This better do something." The man leaves to grab two free nurses.

Unbeknownst to the youngest one, because he forgot in his worry, classes from a hero school were going around observing different procedures today.

To Dadzawa

The man and his colleague usher their class inside the building, hushing. "We, as in both classes, are to stay together. You will be facing the consequences if you are from either class and do not listen. We are here to purely observe. If you interrupt anything, there will be consequences. After a quick tour, we will be going to the nearest observing room for surgeries. We are to stand out of the way of the professionals watching."

The tour goes well; Aizawa now knows the best 81 ways out of the building. That is limited to 3 when considering everyone with him, though.

"Daisuk! Bring Amari and get over here. YI is trying something." Aizawa asks the nearest professional about that.

"Oh, that was for surgery. YI stands for Youngest Intern. He has one of the best minds we have seen near this field, so all of us are going to try to watch it if we get the chance in our breaks."

"Can we go watch?" the teacher asks, his interest just the tiniest bit piqued.

"Sure!" The woman he was talking to turns around and spots a person who doesn't seem busy. "Hey! Can you help direct this man and the classes to YI?" The person nods, kind of frantic.

Back to Sonzuku

"Pass me the..." Midoriya continues, ignoring the obnoxious sounds coming from the viewing area. What, are a bunch of children up there? He goes through with the process carefully, not wanting to hurt the young girl who had already survived through so much. It isn't right for her to die now.

And Dadzawa

A group of very shocked individuals watch as the kid, the one that looks their age at the oldest, commands the situation with seeming ease. Dadzawa watches with an eyebrow raised. He listens to the whispers from the medical staff not busy watching nearby. They all seem shocked and impressed by what he is doing.

He tenses, capture scarf stealing his student back as the violent blond starts yelling curses. He managed to pick out that the kid was quirkless and, damn, he was even more impressed.

Sonzuku once more

"Surgery successful. Completion time," Midoriya's helper pauses, "two hours and forty-eight minutes."

"Congrats YI! There is no way they can deny you now. Especially since you have your license." The other person he was working with states. This person omits that the majority of the staff would leave if they tried to pull something like that again considering the majority of them chose to work at the hospital knowing it is supposed to be free of discrimination.


Midoriya follows the class to UA per Eraserhead's request. Let's just say he looked like his face was practically blood when he found out one of his idols was watching him and was impressed.

"Welcome to UA," Eraserhead gives. He was practically bouncing in excitement. He pauses, turning to Eraserhead.

"Why did you invite me here?" Midoriya was not without his theories and worries.

"I would like to introduce you to as many people here as possible so you might be more inclined to help with their medical emergencies in the future." Midoriya was freaking out at this point.

"Thank you so much! I can't believe you would trust me with this." Midoriya starts to go into his rambling. "It is such an important thing to trust someone with since someone may choose to kill many pro heroes that way. They could probably even play it off as accidents if they played their cards right. It is such an honor to be asked to help heal the heroes by Eraserhead, one of the best underground heroes."

Midoriya hugs Eraserhead as a form of thanks and sends a smile his way.

Dadzawa POV

... He is surprisingly smart and kind for what I know about discrimination rates, Truly a one-in-a-million chance. We better be glad he didn't decide to become a villain. He stills when he feels small arms wrap around him. It feels so warm and nice.

His smile only slightly creeps out at the wide grin he gets after the hug.

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ