70AW (Sickness)

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Credit to the artist! (Twitter says Dex✨ @ dextrasinestra)

Third POV

Sidestep. Dodge. Backward. Avoid. Kick arm. Duck. Move. Avoid. Kick leg.

This pattern continues for a while on Midoriya's side of the fight. His opponent, Kirishima, seems concerned about this behavior. However, Midoriya still wins the fight. Midoriya was not even using his quirk out of fear of it acting out.

You see, he did not feel great that day. He could barely convince himself to show up to school. His refusal to use the quirk stemmed from fear of it going out of control.

Aizawa took notice of Midoriya's odd behavior but decided that maybe the kid is having an off day. When the other students, led by Kirishima, brought their concerns to him over lunch, he figured something must be more wrong than he thought if other people could tell Midoriya was feeling off as well.

Midoriya gets pulled aside towards the end of lunch.

"What is wrong?"

"Nothing, Sensei." Midoriya just manages to tilt his head in a way that shows confusion. It made his head hurt worse.

"Either you tell me now, or you are going to get checked over by Recovery Girl." Aizawa left out the fact that he would probably need to get checked by her either way.

"I have not been feeling well."

"For how long?" Aizawa asks, knowing the boy does not have the common sense he should.

"Since this morning."

"Why did you decide to come to school, then?" Aizawa raises his eyebrows.

"I do not believe it is contagious and I do not want to fall behind."

"Come with me, Problem Child." They start walking toward the dorms. Midoriya is confused when they go in a different direction than 1-A's dorms.

"Wait, we can just go to my dorm. I will be fine there."

"I called Nezu before talking to you. There is a substitute for your classmates so I can make sure you are going to be okay. Be happy I am not making you go to Recovery Girl anyway."

"Yes, sir." Midoriya dutifully walks with Aizawa to Aizawa's dorm-apartment.

Aizawa gets Midoriya situated on his couch and takes care of him from there. He decides to do some work while Midoriya is asleep.

Aizawa finds out Midoriya is awake when Midoriya mumbles, "It is the second guy," with his eyes still closed.

"What?" Midoriya opens his eyes, stretches, and yawns.

"You said the first guy is the most likely because he has a long-range quirk, but the way you described him suggests he does not have enough practice with it to kill the target from where the perpetrator would have to be standing. They would have to have been standing at the door so no one would think they were doing anything other than talking to the victim. The first guy does not have enough range for that. You can test it. The woman was getting her hair done as most of you believe. She just faced a breakup and went there with her friends. The detective's lie detector quirk is showing everything the second guy says as the truth because he is being extremely careful about his words. Ask if he did anything that led to the second guy's death, including, but not limited to, using his quirk or another object as a weapon. The first guy also cannot be it because he is getting over the woman he broke up with. Because the woman lives in the same apartment building as the victim, guy one would not go near it."

"Where did you get that information from?" Midoriya moves his phone out from under the blanket and shows Aizawa the woman's social media. It was under a fake name, but it was clearly the woman.

"The rest of the information came from you." Aizawa decides the sudden smarts of Midoriya could wait to be cultivated later and makes the kid some soup for now.

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