66AS (Poem- Aizawa Shouta)

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No picture today, sorry.

Third POV

"And congratulations to the third annual winner of the Father's Day writing competition. Like the other guardian competitions, this one is made for students to write about father figures in their life. The winner is... Midoriya Izuku with the title of his homeroom, Aizawa Shouta! please come up here and read your poem."

"There is a moment,
a kind of way,
wherein you wish
to be with the one you love.

I wished for my mom,
for my friends,
for my family,
and for my dad.

At this point,
my biological dad had been gone
since I was very young.

The other is a dad I gained
without realizing it.

By the title,
it is safe to assume,
my homeroom teacher is my dad,
and I would never give that away.

Thank you for listening."

"Wow! Any words, Aizawa?"

"The poem is interesting and utilizes that it does not rhyme to create emotion. (I am making so much stuff up.)


"Congrats on winning the contest, kid." Izuku was never prouder of himself.

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