20H (Mental Health Discussions)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

After the awkwardness and yet almost heartwarming weekend, I can easily say I do not want to go to school. I feel like they are going to force me to do something I don't want to. What if they trick me into thinking it's my decision but I have to go to or do the thing either way?

I force myself to leave the safety of Aizawa-sensei's apartment and drag myself to my dorm, needing the clothing there and my bookbag. I'm surprised Aizawa-sensei didn't comment on my clothing the other night. It wasn't exactly the uniform, that's for sure. To be fair, though, it was still very bland.

I almost drop to the floor like my teacher usually does when I see Aizawa-sensei standing up. He isn't even pretending to or trying to sleep today? I'm screwed. I nervously enter the room, scared for what will come. I look into the room and see Kacchan and Iida. They both looked shocked enough to stay silent. That's new. I walk in slowly, my attempt at avoiding the inevitable. Aizawa-sensei looks over to me once sounds come from my steps. I smile and wave at him. His eyes narrow.

"Why did you leave without waking me up?" Aizawa-sensei asks after pulling me outside of the classroom and making sure no one else is nearby. I'm confused. Why would he want to be woken up? I just left to go to my dorm. As if sensing my confusion, which causes me to clear my face, he speaks again. "I want to know that you are safe. I care about where you are. I care about you." I slowly nod, starting to understand.

"I left because I didn't think it would matter. I figured you would probably know where I was and why I left. I also assumed you would be able to figure out I left of my own free will and you could find out if something is wrong if I didn't show up to class today." I nod along to my answer, believing it to make sense.

"Please tell me and wake me up next time." Aizawa-sensei blushes. I don't know why. It makes me think about what he said. A small smile graces my face unconsciously.

"That's going to happen again?" I ask, hoping the answer is as it seems. My childlike wonder must show. His eyes crinkle slightly. Aizawa-sensei nods.

"If you would be okay with it. You can spend the night whenever you please as long as you tell me or someone else." I'm so happy! Someone wants me around! "I should warn you of today's lesson. It will be a lesson about mental health. I didn't want to do it this week, much less today, but it was decided months prior by Nezu. If you feel the need to leave at any point in time, please place a neon green sticky note, yes I know you have those, down on your desk where I can see it. If you don't want to draw attention to yourself by leaving, you can just put in earbuds. Okay?" Aizawa-sensei looks down at me, almost softly. I nod. That's kind of him. I'll probably take the earbud option any day unless I see that someone else needs to leave.

The discussion starts okay. Hound Dog comes in to talk about his job at first. Then, he mentions some mental problems and symptoms of those problems. I place my sticky note just after he finishes anxiety. I plug in earbuds so no one will notice. I play the music that won't be heard by others, but it blocks out Hound Dog's voice. I still flinch when a song pauses and I hear the word depression.

I look around at my classmates between every song to make sure none of them need to leave. I get close to dragging Todoroki out when I hear depression. Kaminari also gets close with dyslexia. Uraraka also gets very close. I only hear bad financial situations and outcomes of it.

It's when Kacchan flinches at bullying after hearing about PTSD, depression, and suicide baiting that I just sigh and decide to drag every close call out of the room. Hagakure is actually the first person I tap. Shocking, I know. She had made a slight movement at the mention of neglect. Probably hits a little close when you're invisible. At this point, everyone is staring. I prevent myself from making a face and use sign language towards Kacchan saying "follow us and bring 'icy-hot'". He nods and grabs the poor boy with him. I point towards the door and hand over Hagakure to follow them. Then, I grab Kaminari, Iida, and Uraraka as well. Our president was staring uncomfortably during the whole thing, probably realizing what all he may have. I was surprised he didn't know them all already until I remembered his family likely wouldn't want him or anyone else to know what was "wrong" with him. I steal Aizawa-sensei as well. I leave with a whisper to Hound Dog to "Just continue. We don't need to be here for this."

I bring us all into Principal Nezu's office. "How can I help you all on this fine day?" the principal asks. I might be offended by him if I hadn't come in here to avoid people multiple times.

"We need a big enough room for all of us to hide. Preferably with movies and snacks too. I'll be stealing them from the room for a small discussion before bringing them into the main area again. I just need your permission." Aizawa-sensei seems surprised that I know the principal well enough to ask him for this. Principal Nezu just nods.

"You want 221, right?" I agree. "Here's the key. Have fun, be safe, and only you need to come back to me after lunch. That is assuming you lot are not going back today?" I once again agree. Everyone watches the conversation with mixed levels of confusion.

I bring us all out of there and into the room. Once we get there, everyone has questions. I answer as many as possible. "I brought you all here because you all looked dangerously uncomfortable when Hound Dog got to certain parts of his lesson. For the most part, I think everyone else will be fine. Of course, every one of us has one of those issues, but we seemed to be the ones most bothered by it. I would like to share something to make one of you very happy, though. Endeavor is a sucky and abusive human being. On that note, I will be taking Todoroki to the smaller room first."

The boy follows me with a lost face. I pull him in. "Thank you, I guess, but how did you know about Endeavor?" I grin evilly.

"Promise not to tell?" He nods. "I did basic public research. Then, I made connections from that research to cases. Now, I have an article that you can publish anonymously that will be sure to spread wildly. Please do it after you get help." His eyes are wide. I see his mouth twitch into a smile. I laugh and grin, telling him I will give him the details later. Before he leaves, I ask him to grab Iida next.

Iida walks in. He seems lost in thought. "I brought you in here because I realized this is probably the first time you've ever heard about these things. I printed this for you after we got here." I hand him papers with information on all of the problems a person could have that I could find. "I believe you may have OCD and a few other mental illnesses. You don't need to read it. It is just there so you have it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Please grab Hagakure."

The girl walks in. It is easy to tell she is nervous. I pull her in for a hug. "It is alright to feel as you do. Neglected, I mean. I know you know it isn't on purpose, but it still hurts you and puts a strain on your relationship with your family. Thank you for refusing to back down even so." She hugs back. "You're important to all of us." Once more, I ask her to grab a kid when she gets back.

Uraraka shows up. I smile at her and pull her into a hug as I did with Hagakure. Sometimes, they can help a lot. "It's okay. In fact, it is amazing you made it here. You are doing so much for your family and future. It is amazing to watch. You don't have to ask for help if you don't want to, but I know Hound Dog offers free services to every kid. He has helped so many people. I know a few easy ways to make money as well." I help her quickly make a youtube account using a school computer just conveniently in the room. I then upload a quick message on my account asking my subscribers to check out her first video, a video I filmed a while back when we were playing around and trying on outfits. I can only hope she starts to make money from her account soon. If she gets even one-sixth of my subscribers, she should make at least a few dollars a day as long as she uploads. She grabs Kaminari on her way into the room.

"So... Did you know that you had dyslexia and ADHD?" I ask, trying to introduce him to these things gently. He shakes his head no. I frown in sympathy and hug him. I pull some papers from the printer in a different font, Comic Sans. How fitting. They are size 14 font with different character spacing supposed to make it easier for people with dyslexia to read. There are also a lot of pictures in colors. I send him a link to the papers being read as well. Hopefully, it helps. He is crying by the time he leaves. I hug him again just before he goes.

Kacchan is the last one to come. Immediately, I hug him. He seems surprised. "Stupid Nerd. How am I supposed to make it up?" He starts crying. I refuse to let him go.

"You don't have to. If you want to, there are ways to get help for your anger and guilt. I do recommend Hound Dog. He operates for free and is one of the best ranked across the world. If you don't feel comfortable with him, there are others I know that may be able to help."

I sit in the room with the others until lunch, having fun with them. They all seem more relaxed than normal. It is nice. I wave them bye once lunch is over. I smile at the thoughts of all of us sitting together. What an unlikely group.

I spend the rest of the day having fun with Nezu.

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