Chapter 21

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*Narrator's POV*


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"Ehrm.", breaking the deafening silence that's floating around the atmosphere, Jio cleared his throat while the rest of the company were still eyeing each other as if waiting for whoever among them to do or say something.

"Uh, c-could you please guys clarify what we saw earlier?", after a minute, Kang Dae finally spoke up. He knew and he can feel that the guys were curious too and so he mustered up the strength.

"Hyung, do you think there's something going on that we don't know?", now it was Sang Min who questioned Dongyie.

"Why is Soon hyung telling us that he's dating Jo Eun?"

"Oh-- don't tell me...?!", this time, it's Jio's turn to speak. Just processing all of those questions on their minds makes everything more complicated and at the same time, suspicious. And because they noticed Kimja acting weird or even weirder unlike the usual, it isn't impossible for them not to notice. Especially that all of them are living in the same roof and that they knew him well enough.

"Well it's... Quite possible. Because you know guys, I just happen to notice that those two were hanging out together more often, aren't they? I mean, starting from our first day of class up until today. He's acting kinda' weird around her, hyung. I'm observing them and that's what I just figured.", said KD to Jio which just made him make a long 'O' in his mouth.

"Uhm, about Seung Heon-ssi too. Did Jahoon-ah informed you guys about him? Cause' I just remembered, every time he sees him, he's like acting so annoyed. I don't know what's wrong with Seung Heon-ssi and he hates him that much though. Just like the other day when Jo Eunie's talking to him, Jahoon-ah started dragging her harshly inside the school building.", added Dongyie.

"Aiyoo~ hyung! I remembered that time too, both of them were holding hands. Didn't you told us about that? And earlier this morning, their hands were intertwined again. Hyung, does he really by any chance dating our Jo Eun already?", now it's Sang Min.

And just like that, the guys went more curious about what exactly is happening to their buddy's relationship with their younger sister. Although as a matter of fact, Kimja and Jo Eun are both strangers with each other and going farther than siblings is not and supposed to be not an issue. But then again...

"Wait. What about Shin?", Kang Dae started. The rain was still continuously pouring down on them but it was already almost gone.

"What about him?", asked Jio whose standing with his arms crossed over his chest between Sang Min and Dongyie.

"Didn't he told you that he... Likes her too?", a sudden revelation flashed before their ears, causing almost all of them froze in shock. Indeed, only Kang Dae and Hyang Soon, and only the two of them knows that very secret of their closest buddy inside the mansion. And stating it openly to the guys who doesn't have any knowledge about it only made things complicated for them.

"Y-ya, what's that supposed to mean?!", asked the surprised Jio. Just looking at his and the other's expressions, KD knew that they weren't expecting that to hear from him, none of them are.

"Why didn't we know about that?!", says Dongyie who still can't believe what he just heard.

"It's because Shin doesn't want that to spread. That's why only hyung and I knows that.", he clarified.

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