Chapter 34

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**At school**

8:26 a.m.

Unfortunately, Jo Eun and I came in late in school. She walks too slowww~! Sometimes I wish she has longer legs like me, really. Uhh~ wait... Jo Eun with no legs? I  mean, long legs? .. Ehh, I think she's prettier this way, ha!

"You see now, Eun-ah?  This is why we shouldn't be coming late in school. Now we're both late we can't attend our first class. *Sigh, surely Jio hyung's already searching for us in there..", I told her as we walk in rhythm towards the main building. In my peripheral vision though, I could see her pouting already and that made me think about earlier too.

I actually tried waking up a little early today and also took a shower early. I figured that she might want to pay a visit to the park again after class like what we did before and play like we used to. Well, it's just because... Since that time when Kimja and I fought, we never really got a chance to go out. *Sigh~ I could still remember how we've got scolded by the hyungs at the time, but.. I don't really care. He deserves it, anyway.

After all that I did for him, I treat him like he's my real brother, I trusted him, and suddenly I'll find out that he has feelings for her? Ha! There's no way I'll let him go anywhere near Jo Eun anymore and I will do everything that I can just to keep him away from her. I know right now she's not mine and that I have no right to act this way but ... if I have to go far for her, I would. I know her better than anyone else, even better than he do and I'm willing to fight for her even if it meant sacrificing the things that are important to me.

"Jo Eunie, are you hungry? Should we eat first before heading to our next class?", I asked as I swung my right arm onto her shoulders. She didn't really get to eat earlier at home since.. eh, she was at the shower for like, 40 minutes or something and spent the rest of her time searching for clothes to wear. *Sigh, she's just like Dongyie hyung! The only thing is that, Dumplings isn't as greasy as that guy, which is what I really like about  her ^-^)

"Uhhh, but your class will be starting soon right, oppa?", she pouted again, suddenly wrapping her left arm onto my right arm and began leaning her head on me while we walk in the hallway towards the cafeteria. As soon as I looked down at her, my chest began pounding again. >///< Aiyoo~ 'Why are you doing this to me??'

"Uh n-no. Not really! My next class starts at nine-thirty. So we should be goo--", upon telling her that, someone in front of us began interrupting me. Jo Eun and I looked up and saw the face of the guy-- Ughh, this punk again~ (¬、¬)

"Good morning! How come you're late Shin?", he asked with his evil smile. *Sigh.. I almost want to say, 'Why don't you ask this girl beside me?!' . But that means putting her into a big trouble as well so, it's NO. Nope. ^1^)

"It was.. t-raffic earlier outside and we had to go to a store to pick up something.", I  spoke up, trying to sound a little more natural even though I already saw Jo Eun gulping beside me. But it's just so he doesn't notice that I was just lying! ("-___-

I was lying for her too, by the way~! I might as well give it a shot so this guy would leave us alone and that we don't have to do a push-up position later! Aiyoo~ just thinking about that, she's wearing a skirt right now too, aishhh~ What a bad timing! >o<)

"Ahh.. 어, 조은씨 안녕하세요 (Hi,  Jo Eun)~", he suddenly blurted and bowed his head AS IF he didn't saw her already earlier when before he even approached us, I caught him  taking a quick glimpse at her and back at me! What an ass, Seung Heon!  (¬_¬)

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