Chapter 63

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*Ji Hyun's POV*

*A month later...

. . .

It's already been a month but Soon hyung's still acting weird. Since the day that his mom died, he is always locking himself in his room. Sometimes, we'd see him staring into space like he was in deep thoughts. And there were several nights as well when I'd see him arrive at the mansion completely drunk. *Sigh... I feel so bad for him, really. I could already see dark circles under his eyes and I don't even know if he's still sleeping at night or not. You see, he used to join us on breakfast every day but these days, he'd just leave the mansion without eating anything.

"Dong Min-ah, did Soon hyung ate this morning?", I asked Dong Min who's currently at the sink and washing the dishes.

"Uh, no. I don't think so.", he creased his brows as he tried thinking of what Soon hyung did earlier.

"*Sigh, that guy.", I shook my head. Not again, tsk.

"Ya, what if he doesn't eat later at dinner though, like he did yesterday?", Kang Dae who's sitting in the chair right next to the counter table, worriedly asked.

Right. Even last night when we took dinner, he didn't eat anything. We're already eating dinner that night when he arrived and guess what? When I tried approaching him, I could smell the strong scent of alcohol coming out from his mouth. Gosh.

I couldn't blame him though. His mom is everything to him. As much as he can, he always tries to pay her a visit. Usually, he'd visit her and his dad every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On weekdays, he'd pay them a short visit since he's got classes and work. But on weekends, especially on Sundays, he spends his entire day at their house which is 25 to 30 minutes away from here. He's a hardworking man, you know. He always works, he never rests, or at least, barely. That's why he's always tired, tsk tsk.

And then after he graduated last, last year, he's got his internship at the big company nearby and then got hired in there too. Says, he'd have to work full time from 7 to 10 pm every Thursday to Saturday. You see, he has classes already on weekdays starting from 7 am, or sometimes it starts at 6 am then ends at noon. And then after that, he goes to work which would usually makes him go home late. But because he's got this job, he has to fix his schedule in school again. So, the 7 am to noon classes that he's got before, now it's 6 am to 9 or 10 pm every Monday to Wednesday. *Sigh, crazy work, isn't it? I don't really know how he manage to do all that but, he's just good at it.

But because of his work and school, his time to visit his parents became limited too. Sometimes, his mom wouldn't even let her visit anymore since he always comes home exhausted due to work and school. There were times too that he'd cry to us whenever he gets scold by his boss at work. Combining work and school is a tough job, seriously.

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