Chapter 16

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"Uhm, o-oppa? You asleep?", a familiar voice asked. I tried processing it on my mind.

'Wait. I fell asleep??!!!', I thought.

. . . .

. . .

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw a blurry figure peeking above me. I rubbed my eyes from sleep, only to find out that it was Jo Eun.

"Uhh, y-you're here. Uhm, let's go home already. The guys must've been waiting for us.", immediately getting up, I shook off the small pieces of grass sticked into my shirt with my hands and began walking pretty slow, leaving her behind even though I was hesitant to continue ignoring her. She just lagged behind me.


. . . .

. . . . . .

(A/N: Play the 나를 of Afternight Project)

It's been quite a while but none of us mustered to speak, causing the atmosphere to get really gloomy. I was basically waiting for her to break the silence, but she just stayed quiet and that made me feel even more guilty.

*Sigh, I wish I didn't have to do this. At the first place, I was the only one to blame, not her... Because I got my temper raised which never helped a lot. Now what do I do? I offended her. I didn't even tried complimenting her with that dress. I mean, she forced herself to wear the dress that I almost wanna give her even though she hates wearing such things. Aishhh, how terrible you are, Kimja! m(_ _)m

After battling with myself, I decided to stop my feet from walking. And so did she. Because I feel that I've to do something about it. I can't let this go any further. I missed her already...

Before I turned to face her, I deeply sighed.

"Jo Eun-ah..", I started, my head still stooped when a sudden sniff caught my attention. I raised my head only to see her worn out face. Warm tears kept rolling down her face as she covered her mouth with her hand. She was shaking badly.

Speechless, I rushed towards her and instantly giving her a tight hug. I was worriedly sick. I never thought she'll cry like this. I didn't intend to hurt her, to be honest. But it all turned out that way.

"Op-pa... I'm s-orry. I did wro--", her voice shook when I immediately cut her.

"Shhhhhh. You didn't do anything. It's my fault.. It's oppa's fault.", I plainly said while caressing her head. We stayed like that for a few minutes then I pulled back slowly.

"Don't cry anymore, Eunie-ah. Alright? You're prettier when you smile.", cupping her cheeks, I tried my best to bring her glowing face back. Good thing she did.

"Ye, oppa. But... You're still mad at me.", she pouted. *Sigh~ (._.) how should I put this now?

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