Chapter 50

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A/N: Hello! You can play the whole song for the whole chapter if you want. Choice is yours! :)


*Shin Young's POV*

6:45 pm.

Yesterday, we went to see the Asian art museum outside the province (which has a lot of different sculptures and paintings) and afterwards, we went to see the national park and took pictures with Jo Eun and the rest of us. You know that we can't miss taking pictures together with the family, right? Heh. Well after that, we stayed in a 5-star hotel.

At first, I actually thought that we'll be having our own rooms but it turned out that Jo Eun and the two other girls, Tae Rin and Ye In, had to share a room together. I kinda feel bad about it because I couldn't have alone time with her that night, you know, like what we both usually do in her room back at the mansion. Like watching movies and all that stuff. Um... well, but i-it's not that I want to share a room in the hotel with Jo Eun though! God, no. It's just, I thought it'd also be great if their room and me, Dong Min hyung, and Byeong Wook's room would be at the same floor. *Sigh, 'cause it wasn't!

Jo Eun's room was a floor or two away from ours so when midnight came and Jo Eun called me on the phone to go out and buy a midnight snack, I couldn't go outside anymore 'cause Dong Min hyung kept telling me not to! Ugh, the nerve of that guy, seriously.ㄱ_ㄱ)

Anyway, this morning until earlier this noon, we went to visit another park and of course, because I had the camera, me and Jo Eun took some pictures together! Like literally just the two of us 'cause Soon hyung and the others were too busy playing. And, you know, I remember this one picture I took with her that made her get angry at me, ha ha!

That one, you see, I told her to count to 3 before I click the button and so she did. BUT! Here's the best part... before she even finished saying the word 'three', pft~! I, uh.. I quickly planted a kiss on her cheek and pressed the button.

Ehrm... (^_^;; yeah. Some kind of ninja moves I have, right? Hehe~ (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡

It's uh.. it's a g-good thing though 'cause none of the boys s-saw me do that. Aiyoo, just thinking about that time makes my heart quickened right now. Pft, I just can't forget the look on her face when I did that, seriously. Aiyoo, Shin. Calm thyself, gosh.

E-ehrm! Anyway, uh... the library! Yeah, we also went there earlier too and.. a-and...


"Oppa, I'll just go there with Tae Rin. Just call me if you need me or something.", she smiled warmly at me. I smiled back at her and continued to walk towards a different path. The English professor on Ja Hoon hyung's bus told me earlier that this library has every book we need. I wonder if they have Greek mythology books too?

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