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"안넝하세요, 남조은입니다~! (Hello, I'm Nam Jo Eun~!). . . . Okay. That sounds too formal... And weird.

Alright. Let me do this informally. So, hi to all the people watching this live video! How are you guys doing today?"

After cheerfully waving at the camera for the 10 people that is currently watching her live video, one of them commented: "omg! where do you live? your house looks fantastic"

"Oh, uh, well, I'm currently living in a pretty big mansion near my school which was... uh, about 10 blocks away from here."

While answering the question, her viewers increased into 15 people and majority of them flooded her with questions.

"Oh god, okay wait.", scrolling to the comments section, Jo Eun noticed that it's filled with questions. She then thought for a second about what to do with it and finally, a minute later, she decided that she'll just answer them through video blogging and touring her viewers inside her house.

"Okay, guys, It was because my parents are pretty well off which is why we have this prison, alright? ... I mean, mansion. (-. -") But if you'll ask me if I'm as rich as them, no I'm not and I don't plan to.", she then stopped and read another question from a viewer asking, "are you living there alone?"

"No. Im with, uhm... seven guys. BUT! For you to take note of... They. Are. My. Butl-- BROTHERS! I mean. So, please, don't misunderstand. Ummm.. what else should I tell you? (._.") . . .", for the second time, she stopped to think.

"Oh~ yeah. One more thing just in case you're wondering if I've got any 동생 (younger siblings) or so. Yes, I do have one! Unfortunately, it's a 'HE'. (_/////_") Nam Kang Joon was his name. (Ugh~ sucks to be the only girl in the house~)

. . .

So, I think I'm already done introducing a bit of myself. Now, let's move on with my bu--", I'm almost done recording myself when HE called out which made me hit the pause button.

"Miss, the food is ready. Please, come out for once while it's all warm.", calls Jio from the door.

Gyeong Ji Hyun was his full name. And I and the rest of my brothers gave him his nickname, Jio. Yes, we did. :)

"A'ight then." I called out, already irritated.

"LOOK! Would you just LOOK at that?! My thing's already messed up~

아이씨~! I HATE THIS LIFE ALREADY. I'd probably prefer living with my own rather than being served~ (_////////_")

And this is why having butl-- brothers this many isn't really nice. Worst is, I've got seven and I'm only one! (-___-") *sigh~ just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I needed to be--", hitting the 'play' again, I started talking in front of my camcorder until...

"Miss, the food's getting cold. Come out for once, please.", calls KD from the door... again.

Now, here's KD. He gave himself that nickname. Well, he likes it. But then, his real name was Lee Kang Dae.

"I'm COOMIIING~ STOP CALLING ME ALREADY!", I yelled back. I wonder if he heard it so loud? XD of course.

"*Sigh, no need to shout Miss. Just come out righ--", He started when I quickly began to open the door, annoyed.

". . . 좋은 아침. 가자. (Good morning. Let's go.)", I plainly said as soon as I saw his shoes in front of my door. I wore a cap~ And I never want to see his face this morning. Just this morning, puh-lease! (>_<)

We headed to the kitchen (with my other hand holding the cam). Oh~ I mean, 'I' went towards the kitchen just like what I usually do.

. . . . (·_·?!)

Wait... I think there's something wrong with the clock?

Why is it 11:28 am right now?! O.o

"Aye~ Is that clock fixed?", I tried to ask KD.

"네 (yes). You just woke up late Jo Eun, so it does look 'impossible' to believe.", KD said. Note the sarcasm! He's emphasizing the word 'impossible' too much! Ughhhhh~ I hate this guy! Reallyyyyy... (>_<)

"아~ 안녕하세요 조-- (Ah, hello Jo--)", he started when I interrupted him. His name was Park Dong Min, but I used to call him Dongyie. Mainly because he's greasy~ :P

"What's the date today?", I asked, looking down at the floor. Not wanting to have eye contact with him. I'm still half-asleep, no, half-annoyed. (~^~)

"Uhh... October twenty... Two?", he answered, unsure.

"Why are you-- Aish. Never mind.", I said, still irritated.

I'm actually suppose to ask WHY the heck isn't he sure about the date today! UGH! this is really~ (>.<) I should control my temper even more.

"I'm now heading towards the second building where the huge recording studio and the practice room is. I forced my parents for it, serving as their present for me, ha ha.

I mean, so I could do my thing in there alone without anyone interrupting me. Then I can raise the volume higher, to the full volume of those four big speakers in the practice room while playing random music. It's sound proof, anyway. Ha ha~ (^/0^)/

Indeed, music makes my day. Whatsoever kind of music, except those of rock. It kills me! Punk, hard, classic, whatever~ I really can't appreciate it, 진짜 (really).

So~! I thought I'd needed to shut this cam off already. You've heard enough words from me, anyway. Alright, bye bye~", I said, shutting off the cam and ending the livestream.



Hope you like the Introduction~ kkk

I'm looking forward for the next chapter, still, even if I'm not a good writer...

~V&C~ chingu :D

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