Chapter 39

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A/N: This audio is to be played just for the first part of the chapter. Hope you enjoy reading :)
Credits to: Nicolai Heidlas

*Kang Dae's POV*

11 pm.

"Ahh~ that was a good movie, isn't it?", asked uncle Hanzo. Me and Dong Min hyung quickly glanced at each other in secret.

"Ah, y-ye uncle. It was really great!", Dong Min hyung smiled widely while giving him thumbs up. On the other hand, I went straight towards the DVD player to fix the cords at the back of it. This Kang Joon, after removing the CD of that stupid movie from the DVD player, he didn't even think about fixing all these cable cords that are almost knotted together.

"I know, right? Ha ha. You see, I also brought some music DVD's with me, if you guys wanna' check it out too!", Kang Joon bragged.

'NOOOOO~ God. Somebody talk with this guy right now, seriously.' (/_=

"A-ah, no we're fine.", interrupted Dong Min hyung from behind me. I couldn't actually see them talking since I'm facing down, fixing these cords. But I bet Sang Min and Jio hyung are also trying to think of something to get rid of this guy already.

"What? You don't want?", he said, his voice trailing off in disappointment.

"아-아니야. (n-no) That's not what I mean.", hyung kept stuttering, why is he acting like this now? -__-)

"Then what? It's not like you have a good taste in music or something.", his words rang into my ears as soon as he blurted it all out. When I look up at Jio hyung, I saw his mouth agape while eyeing the both of them who're standing behind me with uncle Hanzo. I immediately covered my mouth to contain my laughter. I mean, what the actual hell?! Did he just tell him that?! Pffffft~ (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

"Ah... I-it's not like that. I-it's just that it's already l-late now to play some music and the others are already sleeping upstairs.", Dong Min hyung explained, stuttering. Aigoo, if Kimja hyung was here, his ears would've been flushing by now, pft. Ah wait, speaking of... where is that guy right now, by the way? He hasn't gone home since the morning. Err, that's pretty odd.

"Ah yeah, it's already late, son. Let's head upstairs and I'm really tired.", uncle Hanzo tapped him by the shoulders. In the end, he just gave Dong Min hyung a straight smile and a nod before going up to the third floor where they both usually sleep.

Once they're both completely gone and out of sight, that's when the three of us burst into uncontrollable laughter that we've been containing for so long.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Hyung, you should've answered him!", I said as I collapse into my feet. Gosh, it's just... where did he get the courage to insult us about our music taste? Ha ha!

"Well, you should've seen his face earlier, hyung!", Sang Min said as he laughs while pointing his finger at him.

"Tell him what? Aiyoo~ If I told him what I was thinking then I'll get a smack on the face.", Dong Min hyung chuckled.

"He has a terrible taste in movies too." Sang Min chimed in once again. I nodded at him as I laugh. Well, I definitely agree though! Pft~

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