Chapter 33

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I started gaining consciousness and felt my head feeling a little heavy. I remember earlier back in the streets that I've passed out after the guy and his wife helped me up from the ground and made me sat on the backseat of their car. *Sigh... this is the lesson I should be learning for not paying attention when walking in an open road where cars are present. ><

"..Um, Jahoon-ah? Are you awake?", asked by the familiar voice. I couldn't seem to recognize his voice though, whoever he is because of my head right now that is spinning like crazy. Worst is, thoughts started filling my head since the time I gained consciousness. Yeah... that includes those two people that was on my mind earlier before I even end up lying in this bed today. Jo Eun and Shin... *sigh.

. . . 'Ugh~ I can't even open my eyes right now.', I thought as I tried opening my eyes. Suddenly the door nearby creaked open and male voices came rushing through the quiet room I'm in.

"Oh, I see... I-I didn't really know that you know this kid."

"Well, um.. He's actually Jo Eun's friend and um, something came up so.."

"So Eunie-ah knows him too? ... I see."

"Yes, Sir."

"Anyway then, I will get going now. I feel really bad that I couldn't apologize to him in person. But lksajfbrubgr...", says the two male voices as it start fading away. In a second, the door in the room I'm in creaked shut, leaving me with a quiet atmosphere. I don't really know how they knew about Jo Eun and what they were talking about. All I know right now is that I need myself to wake up already and go to school, or I'm screwed.

"Ugh~", I grunted, this time I tried opening my eyes a little slowly. At the very first few minutes, my vision went blurry but seconds later, I was able to see things clearly. 'I know I'm weak right now but I had to keep moving already or else--', I thought but instantly got interrupted by the person beside me.

"Hey, you're awake.", a male voice spoke. I slowly turned my head where it came from and saw the worried face of Jio hyung who's sitting on a chair right beside me. Someone must've called him by phone that made him go here.

"H-yung? What are you doing here?", I quietly spoke. He then gave me a sigh.

"Do you really need to ask that question, Jahoon-ah? Why I'm here is because of you... What the hell happened to you back there? And why were you out there so early?", He asked, his face plain serious. Gosh, like how is he... ugh~ does he really want me to answer all these questions right now? -___-)

"Hyung...", I began while forcing myself to sit up but as I do, the pain coming from my waist started to run across my spine again which made me groan a little loud. *Sigh~ reallyyy.. I just want to sit up, why should be this happening (_ _"

"Yaa~ quit moving a lot would you? Tsk, tsk. You're just making the wound bleed again.", reminded Jio hyung as he quickly helped me get back from the position I was in earlier. This thing wouldn't have happened if I just dropped it and stopped thinking about those two. *Sigh.. now what?

"Hyung.. Is Soon hyung in here too? Does he know about this thing that hap--", before I even finished what I'm about to say, Jio hyung immediately cut me off.

"Are you kidding me? He's the one who first got the news about you getting hit by uncle Hanzo's car. He told me about it but ...I think I'm the only one who knew about this, so far. Um.. So, do you wanna' tell me why and what happened earlier back there?", he explained. Hoo~ that's quite a relief though. I mean at least anyone in the mansion doesn't know about it yet. Especially Jo Eun. I don't want Shin to think that I'm here just because I want to get all of her attention on me. That's just plain immature and besides, Jo Eun hates me anyway. You see, once I get out of this place, she'll treat me the same way as she does just like after what has happened to me and Shin Young.

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