Chapter 66

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A/N: Play the song above for the whole chapter for extra, extra feelings jk ha ha! You play it or not, either way hope you enjoy!


*After several months have passed...

*Shin Young's POV*

"Bae~! Ha ha ha!", she glared at me as soon as I tried calling her the name she hated the most. PFT! I don't know what's with that name though and she hates it. Dong Min hyung calls his girl, Babe. Kang Joon, calls his girl um.. love? And then Ja Hoon hyung, who's already got a girlfriend since last month, he calls her Cham. I don't know why he calls her that way, though. Probably because she's gaining weight or something? Ha ha ha! JUST KIDDING~! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

But anyway, their girlfriends let them call them by those kind of stuff but mine... *sigh. She hates everything but her name. =_=)

"Jo Eun-ah! Tsk. *Sigh, so this is probably why Dong Min hyung always gets mad when his girlfriend's on the loose.", I mumbled to myself as I tried catching up with her pace.

It's been a while since Soon hyung, Jio hyung and Dong Min hyung graduated in SICA. My graduation date, Jo Eun's and Kang Dae's on the other hand will be next year. And yes, all of us are still studying in SICA, only except for Jio hyung who transferred to another school and Soon hyung who got hired on a company near his parent's house. And because of that, most of the time, there's only me, Jo Eun, Dong Min hyung and Kang Dae in the mansion. And Jio hyung? Well, when Soon hyung told his dad that he's buying a condo unit near the mall, his dad told about it to JIo hyung's parents (since both their dads are close friends) and then, POOF! Now they're both living outside the mansion but on the same building.

*Sigh. I don't know about Dong Min and KD though. I hope they don't leave us back here or else, tsk. My mom would pull me back to our house and that is 4 hours away from Jo Eun! > 0<)

"Jo Eun—"

"Oh! Shin Young?!", out of the blue, someone from behind interrupted me from calling her. When I turn around to see who was it... Um?


"Hi! It's been a while, oh my god!", cheekily says the woman wearing a seductive outfit and a face painting. Well, yeah. You heard it right. I mean, LOOK at her~! Her eyes looks like a panda because of that thick eyeliner, aiyoo. And her lips... Ehrm, wait. Actually no, I was wrong. She's like Harley Quinn's clone. Her face, her body, her make-up and everything. Only that, she's a failed clone attempt of hers. Because Harley doesn't have a panda eyes, and yet she does.

"Ah, he he. Y-yeah. How's life?", I stuttered and let out a fake smile.

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