Chapter 4

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*Ji Hyun's POV*

After that 'nightmare' incident in her room, we headed towards the dinning area for breakfast. *Sighhhh~ at least she woke up earlier now than usual :)


(In the dining area...)

While eating, I couldn't keep my eyes from glancing at her place every once in a while. She looked so seriously focused on her food. I was just wondering if... she liked the food that I cooked earlier? (^.^")

"Uh, Ahem! Ehem... Hyung, she's not going anywhere. Stop that, woulda'? Ha ha...", Kimja caught me off guard, pretending to clear his throat. Aish~ this kiddddddddddd! (=/^\=)

"S-stop what? Tshh. You just eat, 알았어? (okay)", I demanded. Though, I actually felt like my cheeks, no, my face flushed from embarrassment. Am I really that o-obvious? (・_・;

"Yeee, ha ha. What's wrong with you, hyung? Why does your face--", continued Kimja when a sudden strike from Dongyie was thrown at him. A spoonful of rice were dropped into his mouth, causing him to stop talking. Ha ha, I've been saved! :P

"Eat.", said Dongyie, smiling as if he won something. Ahhhh~ they're really driving me nuts, ha ha ha. (^O^☆♪ Soon after, everyone started to laugh uncontrollably. Including me, of course! Haha, I can't be excluded :P

"So... How's the 보쌈 so far? I-I mean, w-was it g-good?", I stuttered. I'm expecting some expected answers right now. Aish~ I should've just kept silent. (ノ_~")

"It was perfect! Haha... You'd be the cook tomorrow, oppa! Then teach me some recipes...", I never expected her to say that though.

Well, we... Never? (⌒-⌒; ) And just like that with her signature smile, everyone's eyes are on her, faces are all pretty much puzzled.

Then someone spoke up to break the silence.

"Ya~ we can cook too, you know! Why choose hyung instead? That's unfair for us, ha ha.", demanded Dongyie. Well... I couldn't blame them, ha ha! (⌒▽⌒)

"Ahhh, ha ha! 알았어, 알았어 (okay, okay). Uhmm, why don't we have a...", she left the thought hang on the air, biting her lower lip as if thinking something real deep until...

"Cooking competition!", coincidence happened that both Jo Eun and Shin exclaimed in unison, followed by their giggles. These two, really are MORRRRRE than just kids. Ha ha~

But all I could ever say is, I CAN'T COOOOOOOKKKK~! {(-_-)} I mean it, really. They already knew that my knowledge about cooking's just limited. So they should know it as well that I can't join their games~ m(_ _)m

"Ehrm, what's up with you guys? You planned it out, didn't you?", asked Kimja, scratching the back of his neck.

"아니요 (no). It's coincidence, ha ha. So who's up?", Jo Eun began, finishing the last scoop of her food. Ahh~ I guess she liked it much. ^^

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