We're forever

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-May 2025-

Olivia's POV:

"My little girl, you're all grown up." My mom hugged me, fighting against her tears. "You look precious as the bride." She complimented.

I was wearing a white V-neck, off shoulder dress that fell to the floor, with curled hair. The day I longed for since I was young is finally happening; I was getting married. Not only that, I was getting married to the most important person in my life. 

"Livvy!" Madi ran towards me, with Conan following close behind. By the way, they're dating. Yup. "You look gorgeous in that dress!" She hugged me, then Conan joined us.

"Reception looks amazing too, Liv." He laughed, while Madi slapped his shoulder. "Anyway, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm really excited about everything." I smiled. "This is basically all I ever dreamed my weeding to be." 

"I saw your boo, he is extremely nervous about it." Madi whispered. 

I laughed and shook my head. "Yesterday at night before I left to my parent's hotel he claimed he was 'as cool as a cucumber'" I chuckled.

Josh's POV:

"Alright, mate. You can do this." Harry (Styles) patted my shoulder. Three years ago we did a collab, that was when my career really took off. I couldn't have been more grateful of everything the past years, it has all been amazing. with Liv by my side. "Just stop dozing off to Mars, and it will be fine." He laughed.

"Okay, thanks." I chuckled, reaching to fix my curl.

"Ah!" He stopped my hand. "Don't move it, it's perfect, at its finest. I'm telling you, don't." He warned, snickering.

"Alright, I should get ready now." I laughed, walking to the entrance. He nodded, giving me a thumbs up.

My mom walked me to the altar, then Matt and Larry followed close behind as my Best Men. The groomsmen walked in, including Harry, my dad, Frankie and Joe. Then the bridesmaids were my sisters, and Sofia, Dara, and Julia. Then the maid of honor, which was Taylor Swift, of course. (Harry and her were chill, so there's that)

"Ricky!" Rebecca rushed through the isle with the flowers and ran into my arms, as everyone laughed. She's been calling me Ricky since she could speak.

"Butter, go to the end and spread the petals like we practiced with Liv, okay?" I whispered, ticking her.

"Kay!" She ran back and sassed her way to the first row, twirling around and blowing kisses at everyone. Then, she jumped into her dad's arms. I love her.

Woody walked with the rings on his back, as the ring bearer, then sat next to my dad. I waited anxiously for what was to come, then exactly five minutes later, I saw Liv's dad come through the door with the divine bride. She appeared unreal, and I couldn't help but look away and cover my face to hide my tears.

I was getting married to her, and it was forever.

Matt lightly poked my shoulder a couple seconds later, so I turned around and was met by the most angelic face I've ever seen. Her dad smiled at me, then walked to sit in the first row. Liv beamed, while I wiped a few tears away. 

"You look stunning, babe." I whispered, watching her give the bouquet to Taylor. 

"You do too." She grinned, squeezing my hand, then quickly unwinding our fingers. 

We waited for the ceremony, then it was time for the vows. I was first, so I looked over at Larry, who handed me a paper.

I took a deep breath and started. "Olivia, I know I tell you this everyday, but I love you. I don't just want to marry you to wake up to you everyday or to be with you forever. I want to marry you because marriage is hard, our jobs, and relatives, blending two families and lives is challenging, and you're the person I want to go through the bad times with. Life is never going to magically be all butterflies and rainbows just because fate joined us. Life is hard, and I'll promise to marry you and love you everyday through every bump in the road. I'll be your rock when everything else is falling apart. 

"So, I'll kill the spiders, I'll share my fries with you when you've finished yours, I'll cuddle with you when you're moody and want nothing but a pack of oatmeal cookies. I'll kiss the paper cuts, the door-slammed fingers, and the counter-bumped hip. I'll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and dumb comments during movies. I'll be the big spoon, and I'll let you win at wrestling, sometimes, not all the time, just so you don't act like a sore loser." I joked, while the crowd laughed. "I'll send you random texts and leave you silly gifts; not always, just when you need them, or when I want to.  A lifetime of ups and downs with you is worth every second of it, if it's with you." I ended with my voice coming out unstable since I was in the verge of crying. I looked up from my paper to Liv, who was discretely wiping her tears away. I wiped away my own and handed her the microphone. Taylor handed her the paper, with a proud smile.

She glanced once at me, before he started. "Poets often describe love as an emotion that we can't control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense. That's what it was like for you and me. I didn't plan on falling in love with you, and I doubt if you planned on falling in love with me. Once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening. We fell in love despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has happened only once, and that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it.

"I promise to accomplish one of the greatest streaks any human could ever wish to pursue -to tell you I love you every single day for the rest of our lives, which by my calculations should be about 38,300 more consecutive days if we live to be 130 years old. I will always put you first, and give you my absolute best for forever." She ended. I had a huge grin on my face, with my cheeks wet with salty tears.  We exchanged the rings, with the bridesmaids gushing over how pretty they were.

"Do you, Joshua Bassett, take Olivia Rodrigo as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The preached asked.

"I do." I smiled, glancing at her gorgeous glossy eyes.

"Do you, Olivia Rodrigo, take Joshua Bassett as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" He repeated.

"I do." She beamed, slightly jumping up and down due to the excitement. 

I turned to the preacher waiting for the words that had been in my mind for the past year, as we planned everything. He nodded, with his lips curling into a smile. "I now declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He noted.

I waited no time and dipped her, while she giggled her way to my lips. She clung her hand to my neck, pulling me closer. This kiss felt different; It felt like a new beginning full of opportunities, and laughter, and even some hard and tense times. It was all in one kiss, and I'll never forget the way it happened.

"Save that for tonight." She laughed, pecking me quickly before she pulled away. I showed off a huge grin as we walked down the isle, hand-in-hand. 

This was the only way I ever saw my life going when I imagined Liv and I in the future, and I couldn't be anymore happier I was marrying the love of my life.


Update: to all of those I told this was the last chapter, I changed that. Unintentionally, I wrote a REALLY long chapter, so I split it into a few parts :)))

also, who tf wrote episode nine-

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now